Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Truthful Tuesday


I've switched up our riding schedule this week because the horses are having their teeth done Wednesday and I wanted to fit in our lessons around that potential day off. (We'll see if I can get a few ridden beforehand, but I'm not completely sure what time they're coming.) So instead of Monday off, the horses had Sunday off and we rode Monday. And my confession is that I'm completely lost as to what day it is now! I'm such a creature of habit. The horses seem fine. They don't seem confused. Me though? So lost. I literally keep checking my phone to see what day it is. I would never answer the questions correctly if someone was checking me for a brain injury... Sheesh. 

I guess next week we best to stick with our schedule! 

Does this happen to any of you? Are you so stuck in a routine that any straying is disorienting? No? Just me? 


  1. dude i was out of town a couple days last week and may or may not still be trying to recover LOL

  2. My work schedule has been insane lately, and I just had four days off and now work 11 days straight. I have absolutely no idea what day it is. Time has turned into an illusion at this point.

    1. I don't know why that published as anonymous. It's Molly from onebudwiser

    2. Ugh, I wouldn't know if I was coming or going! Glad you had some time off before this 11 day marathon!
