Valentine's Outfit Day! Finally a fun one. Shiny modeled today because she looks the cutest in pink. Here's sort of what we had on... She's a little short for the mirror selfie. And the mirrors are a little wonky from the weather. (They're a mirror wrap, so not glass and they get wavy sometimes when the temps are up and down.)
Don't worry, we'll have better photos.
Here's what Shiny's wearing this week:
I know. She's the perfect Valentine's model.
Bridle: Joseph Sterling
Brow Band: Handmade by me
The snarky candy heart brow band is the most perfect thing I've ever made for this pony. I can imagine her saying pretty much all of them.
Saddle: Custom Saddlery
Saddle Pad: Equine Star
The saddle pad has friendlier sayings on the hearts. Can't be all snark all of the time, right?
Boots: Equine Star
The boots are the same print as the saddle pads, so they are also lovey sayings. If I ever make a pair for her hind legs though, I'll have to go with the sassy sayings! Cause those are her kicking legs... Heehee.
That's what Shiny had on, and here's what I was wearing:
I haven't worn these breeches nearly enough this winter (they were kind of hiding, but now they're found) so I was excited to pair them with my valentine's sweatshirt.
Helmet: One K Avance CCS with MIPS
I kind of forgot to bring a more valentine-y helmet to the barn. But this one worked okay.
Sweatshirt: Zazzle... OR Society 6 I'm not sure.
Obviously, MY shirt had to have snarky hearts. I think this is so funny. I can't remember where I got it though, it's been several years.
Belt: Buckle Down
I've been on the hunt for a belt that matches the rest of the color scheme better, but I've come up empty so far. This one works just fine though, and it's actually really cute! The buckle is a seat belt. So fun!
Breeches: Dover Wellesley
This photo doesn't represent the color that well. The full mirror selfie photo is more accurate. I love this color, it's the only pair in my collection of Wellesleys that's not a neutral.
Socks: Dreamers and Schemers
These are hard to read, but they are also full of sass. I can always count on Dreamers and Schemers to have socks for every outfit!
Boots and Half Chaps: Celeris UK
I debated bringing the pink boots for this outfit since obviously they would tie it all together. But it's just been too cold to wear anything on my feet that isn't lined. So I stuck with these. That trim on there is rose gold, so that's pink enough!
That's it for this week! Probably back to our regularly scheduled boring colors next week. But maybe I'll surprise us all and do something fun. Time will tell!