Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Truthful Tuesday


I saw a meme making the rounds again that says something to the effect of "if someone is excited about something and you find a way to ruin that for them, you're a terrible human." That's not verbatim. I'm old. I can't remember exactly what it said. But anyway. I agree with that wholeheartedly. As a weird person myself, I LOVE when someone has a real passion for something. Even if it's something "odd". Finding something that brings you joy in this crazy world we live in is pretty special. Even if that thing is matching your outfit to your horse's saddle pad. Or sci-fi books. Or cosplay. Whatever. If you love it, and it isn't detrimental to others, DO IT! Let your freak flag fly! Or maybe your passion is pretty normal. Maybe you love running. Or making your own craft beer. Whatever it is, embrace it. Own it. Do it. 

Awhile back there was an article kind of shaming people who like their matchy matchy. That article pissed me off. Like how is it hurting anyone if you want to collect saddle pads? Okay, maybe in the long run if everyone on the planet did that we'd have an environmental issue. Fair. But like one person owning 15 pads? Who cares? Can you afford to support your saddle pad habit? If it's not negatively affecting your quality of life and finances, buy the effing saddle pad. 

Are you someone who judges people who are into matchy stuff? Do you poke fun at people who have weird passions? Do you make other people feel badly about something that brings them joy? If you are, maybe look inside and redirect that to something YOU can be passionate about it. Are you uncomfortable because you kind of like something that people might find weird? Embrace that weird! Own it! Do it! You'll find life is so much better when you're enjoying something for yourself rather than hating on someone else for having a little fun. 


  1. I’ve been getting annoyed at all the judgey articles popping up.

    1. Same. I want people to be happy. Whatever that looks like for them.

  2. Yea I’m really not into anything that claims to be an authority on the correct vs incorrect ways to enjoy horses. Provided everyone is safe healthy and happy… if your horsey joy comes from matchy matchy clothes, or fair weather walks, or just seeing them out your window… cool, lol.

    1. Yes! Exactly! Definitely more than one way to horse. That's for certain!
