Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Truthful Tuesday


Okay, I have three today. Three ridiculous things that either happened or occurred to me this past week. 

1. I had an epiphany this week about Eros. You know how he's a delicate flower, and I can't ever jump him higher than 2'6" or he gets hurt? And sometimes he gets sore for no good reason too? Well. I think there's a reason. Take a look at Eros spelled backwards: S-O-R-E  Seriously! I can't believe I never noticed before. Who named this poor horse?! So yeah, not his fault he's dainty. He was burdened with that from whenever he got his name. Poor Dude.

2. Okay, I felt mildly bad about this one, but I still had to laugh. A little background. In P's old age she will sometimes just bark at nothing for quite a long time. Sometimes I can distract her away from it, but often times I just have to let her bark it out. So the other evening, I came in from the barn and let the pups out as normal. They were out for a bit then came back in. I sat down to write some emails and what not, and P started her barking in the other room. Important to note, she was NOT barking near the door. Well. Apparently, this time, the barking had a reason. After awhile, she walked into the kitchen where I was sitting with my laptop, looked up at me, and the pooped on the floor. Like "Mom, you're the worst and not addressing my needs! So here! I shit at you!" I felt badly for not addressing her needs (though to be fair, she had JUST been out) but I had to laugh. I deserved it after all. Pugs. They are too smart for their own good. And also quite funny. 

3. In the summertime when it's hot I am very good at staying hydrated and drinking water throughout the day. But this time of year, when it's cool and I'm not sweating so much when I ride, I'm not as on top my water intake. I generally make up for it in the evening when I'm in the house.  The only trouble with this is that hydrating so late makes me sometimes have to pee in the middle of the night. Well the other day, I woke up having to pee and I assumed it was the middle of the night since it was still dark out. But I noticed all the barn lights on. So there I was swearing that I had turned the lights out at night check. I did remember with absolute certainty that I had done night check, but I was thinking maybe I didn't turn the lights out? But then I distinctly remembered doing that too. So finally, just before dragging myself outside in my jammies I had the sense to look at a clock. It was not, in fact, the middle of the night. It was morning. 6:15 to be exact. My barn helper had come early, so he was out there with the lights on. It's so funny how disorienting it is waking from a deep sleep when it's still dark outside. 

So those are my confessions this week. All kinds of ridiculousness this week!


  1. This post was so humourous! I loved it! 'I shit at you' - that is awesome

    1. Hahahaha! Right?! I mean I swear if she could speak that's what she would have said.
