Wednesday, April 6, 2022

What's Up Wednesday


I don't have a whole lot to report on this week, but that's not a bad thing. All the horses are doing great, and things are just plugging along. Rita even went out to pee in the rain this morning, so clearly, it's a good day so far! Lol!

Shiny's foot seems to be healing well and pretty quickly. I'm still a little concerned about how swollen the leg still is, but it has come down some. She's walking sound, so hopefully it's just her usual being sensitive back there.

Pammon is moving along with his rehab. We're up to 14 full minutes of trotting, so he can get a recheck the next time the vet is out. Hopefully we'll get to add in some canter soon!

Eros is his perfect self. I let him have a free lunge last Wednesday which he hasn't gotten to do in awhile, and he was WILD. Free lunging makes me nervous, but wild Eros kind of does too... So I let him do it. He's pretty smart about his choices at least. He'll get running a little faster than I like, but he's not the sliding stopper that Rio was. So that's something at least. I like to let him have his free lunge the day before his lesson so he's not too tired to jump. It worked out nicely this week, because on lesson day, he was completely relaxed. I was able to let go of his face and loop the reins to a few fences even! I think summer Eros is getting ready to make his return. I've missed him.

Al has been super too! He is definitely more relaxed and happy in the slightly warmer weather. We only had one lesson last week instead of two, but it was a great lesson. I had some struggles with one of the bending lines (it was a quiet bending four, but into his spooky corner, and it was HARD) but we managed to get it done by the end of the lesson. I have video of one of our courses, but it doesn't include the bending line that we struggled with. Things are coming along with us, though we still have lots to work on. Okay, it's me. I have lots to work on. Al is just fine... Haha! Isn't that always the way? Clip is below, and I don't know what's happening in that thumbnail, it didn't seem nearly so offensive in motion! (Can you edit thumbnails on youtube? Teach me please!)

This week is starting to look more consistently in the 50's and above for temps, so I'm hopeful spring is really making an effort finally. Eros and Shiny will be coming home in a few weeks, and it would be lovely to not be totally freezing when they get here. I mentioned yesterday I've been getting the barn ready for all the horses, so that's been taking up much of my extra time. I have to go hunting through the shed for more blankets though! I haven't had four horses at once in so many years. So blankets and brushes and bridles are all getting organized, and then I'll need to set a new course out in the ring. I really need a few more jumps, but like I've said over and over, Al needs a saddle first! Lol! I did grab a pair of stackers/stands from Burlingham that I can build an oxer with so that should hold me over for awhile. 

That's really about it from here! How are things by you? Anything exciting on the horizon you're preparing for?


  1. ugh i'm so far behind haha, but glad to hear things are going well! you and Al look fantastic in the video, he just looks like such a fun horse to ride!

    1. Thank you! He's just so fun, I can't believe he's mine <3
