Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Truthful Tuesday


I've been pretty lazy you guys. That's today's confession. I'm super motivated on the horse side of things. I ride all four everyday, and that's exciting and fun! But like, my house? All those projects I have on the to do list? That's NOT going well. In my defense, I've been preoccupied with holiday stuff. Finding gifts, wrapping them, shipping them, etc. But like... I didn't have THAT many to do. It's just that when I get home from the barn, and it's already dark out... I just want to eat dinner and snuggle Pia. Winter is the worst. I'm supposed to head to the Bahamas with the family on the 26th, so I'm hopeful a little time away will recharge my batteries and January will be productive! Maybe. Hopefully.

My other confession is that I'm a little nervous I'll get Covid between now and our departure date and not be able to go. I had a possible exposure today, so I'm super angsty about that. I feel not that worried about fighting it now that I've had all three shots, but ugh. Finally plan a trip after two years... Wouldn't that be the way? I wasn't particularly close to the positive person ever, but we did ride in the same indoor ring at the same time. I feel like being on horseback keeps a fair amount of distance so likely I'll be in the clear. I have a test scheduled next week already anyway for the trip, so I guess I'll know for sure then. Wish me luck friends! 


  1. It's ok to be lazy sometimes. Plus, riding 4 horses a day is a LOT!

    Fingers and toes crossed you did not get the 'rona before your trip!

  2. I know this is a bit late, but the BinaxNow take home covid tests work pretty well.

    1. Thanks! I was wondering about those, they keep popping up on my instagram.
