Wednesday, December 22, 2021

What's up Wednesday


It was a fun week over there this past week! Lots of lessons and even a schooling show! And all kinds of weather. A couple days in the 60's and most of them in the 30's. Eros particularly enjoyed the warm days when he got to play outside naked.

He did this two days in a row. Both sides. 

Thursday, Eros had his lesson, and he was excited to jump. Like, really excited. He was so excited that he was actually kind of strong just cantering the poles on the ground that we started over. Then we cantered into a 6 stride line of teeny tiny (like maybe 6 inches off the ground) cross rails. Guys. He hadn't even landed from the first one when he took the bit and showed me his 14 foot stride. And cantered out in a lovely (albeit very pully) 5 strides. I love him dearly, but that was uncalled for! So we had to go back and trot in then canter out in a nice QUIET (I won't pretend it was soft) 7 strides. We did that a couple of times then called it a day since it's only his second lesson back to jumping. Saturday after the show, they were resetting the course when I was riding him. They laid the new course out with poles initially, so I used that opportunity to "jump a course" with him. He did again try to get rude, but I was able to shut it down, and he finished nice and soft. Hopefully that will take for this week's lesson. We'll see tomorrow!

About halfway through the week Shiny really started to feel like her old self finally. So I started slowly asking for a little more each day and she seemed to hold up pretty well to that. Sunday she had an easy bareback day and I don't think we even bothered to canter. So super easy. Monday the body worker came, and then Tuesday I could feel she was a little sore again. I think it was just from having that sore spot worked on again. She came out stiff again today, but by the end of the ride she was feeling better. Hopefully she'll be back to her old self soon. I miss jumping with her!

Pammon is still walking for 30 minutes every day. He's been a good boy, and still seems pretty happy back in the barn. He'll get another recheck in January, and hopefully he'll be able to start some trotting. Fingers crossed!

Al let me come in and snuggle with him 
while he was having a nap. Clearly,
he's perfect.

And now for the rest of the fun! Al had a super busy week. Tuesday we did the flat lesson in which I almost died. Not really. But it was hard and long. All the things you'd expect from a flat lesson. Wednesday I flatted him on my own, and he had a training ride Thursday. It was mostly a flat ride also, though he did pop over a few small jumps. Friday I got to have a lesson with him, of which I have no media as it was midday. You'll just have to trust me when I tell you that he was so great! I'm still struggling to get and keep him on the contact, but I think that will come in time. He's for sure still weak behind from his castration and time off. My vet was quick to remind me that he will be going through a lot of muscle with the change in hormones, so I'm being patient and not freaking out about us not being perfect yet. I mean, we just met too! Anyway, once the flat portion was over, we jumped a couple of courses. I think the biggest jump was around 2'9" so nothing too crazy. Each time I jump this horse, he reminds me even more of Rio. Sometimes I make mistakes, but he never gets flustered with me. He just keeps on keeping on. Occasionally he takes a good look at a jump, but as long as I keep my leg, he keeps on trucking and pops right over without much fuss. 

Photo used with purchase from our insanely talented in house
photographer Chelsea Lothrop.  

Despite all that I was ridiculously nervous for the schooling show. And I don't know why. It was the same course we'd jumped in our lesson, only the jumps were a little smaller. And since it was raining, the five of us competing all stayed in the ring the whole time. It was basically a lesson with ribbons at the end. We all warmed up together over a single jump on the rail, so it felt like schooling at a show. Then we took turns jumping our two courses. They kept it simple with a power and speed and a straight speed, so none of us had to memorize two courses at once. Lol. Schooling shows are the best. Al was amazing. We were the slowest so finished in fifth both times, but our goal wasn't to hit the gas. I just wanted to have a good experience and try to make some tidy turns. We accomplished those things and I was ridiculously happy with Al. He's really a special horse, and I can't believe I get to ride him. 

Photo by Chelsea Lothrop Photography

Photo by Chelsea Lothrop Photography

All the horses finished out the week on Sunday with easy rides.  Al did an awful lot last week, much more than I really prefer. I don't like horses jumping that much in one week, but I was less stressed about it since the fences were small. And it's just how things worked out with the show happening. This week will be easier for him with just the flat lesson and one jumping lesson. Back to normal!
And that's about it from here! How was your week? Did you get to do anything fun with horses, or were you stuck with holiday stuff on the docket?

Gratuitous photo of Al and me because Ilovehimsomuch
Photo by Chelsea Lothrop Photography


  1. Awwww you and Al at the schooling show are SO CUTE!! 🥰 I'm glad shiny is feeling mostly back to normal and that Pammon is doing well back in a routine :) and good boy Eros!

    1. Thank you! I'm excited to be having so much fun with all of them!

  2. omggggg Al's first show!! so exciting <3
