Wednesday, July 28, 2021

What's Up Wednesday


There's honestly not too much going on around here this week. My trial horse left on Saturday morning. But otherwise Shiny and Eros have been going well. 

They had an extra day off this week since Sunday was really rainy. I had planned a Sunday funday for them anyway so it wasn't a big deal. I did get a ride in though, because I got to ride Fefe!

She was a good girl until I tried to take her for a walk outside after we were done working. There was a pause in the rain, so I thought she'd like it. I was incorrect. She started jigging and hopping up and down. She was so busy having this tantrum, my friend I was walking with had to hop off her horse and hold Fefe so I could dismount. Mares! Lol. I temporarily forgot that she is done when work time is over. My bad. 

We only fit in one jump school this past week, since I had been busy with the trial horse. But they were both great for it! Hopefully this week we'll be back on our regular schedule. 

Eros is jumping around at 2'6" consistently these days, so that's exciting. Getting closer to a show height anyway. I've decided to keep Shiny at 2'3" this year since we have lots to work on still. She's been so quiet that I haven't really been able to work on keeping her shape when we're jumping. I don't seem to have enough leg to add the amount of hand I need for contact. There's no hurry though. We'll keep plugging along!

In other news, P seems to be doing just fine without her brother. It's been hot for her outside, so we've been spending a lot of time watching the olympics together. She really likes swimming:

I do bring her out to feed dinner to the horses sometimes. She seems to enjoy it, but I think she's looking forward to fall. Humidity is hard on these brachycephalic pups! I wish she liked the stroller though. It would be nice to take her for a real walk. 

That's really about it from here for now. Have you all been up to fun things?


  1. Things have been busy! I’m glad that P is doing okay. It’s hard to lose a family member.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad too. I was really worried about how she would do.
