Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday's Threads


Outfit Day! Al wanted to model today, but he worked on the lunge line sans tack today instead of riding, so he didn't qualify for the task this week. Eros was more than happy to fill in though! We kept it pretty boring today because some days just call for boring outfits. But I actually really likes this one, even if it's unexciting. Here's what Eros wore today:

He's too much. He posed like this for the camera for several different angles. He absolutely understands the assignment. He's clearly proud to show off his dad bod. He's so brave!

Bridle: Pinnacle
Brow Band: Boy O'Boy Bridleworks

Still loving this bridle. If you are looking for an inexpensive schooling bridle, definitely recommend. If you want something to show with, they have the same bridle available in the better leather as well. 

Saddle: Butet
Saddle Pad: Ogilvy
Half Pad: Mattes
Does this look a little different to you? It probably won't unless you're ridiculously observant, but this isn't Eros' saddle. It's Al's. Why you ask? Well, I've been unhappy with how Eros feels in his own saddle, and mentioned it to our bodyworker today. So she was looking at his back and asked if my saddle for him was extra wide, and I said no, but Al's is. So she said grab it and throw it on him. So I did. And well... the Dad bod is closer to an extra wide saddle than a wide these days. I'm trying him out in Al's for a little bit and I'm working on getting the fitter out. I really can't afford to buy a new saddle right now... But my Butet rep is really wonderful so hopefully we can figure out something that doesn't bankrupt me. And yes, they certainly could share one saddle, but this one isn't quite perfect for Eros. If we can make it perfect with pads, that would be lovely! Time will tell. 

Polos: Eskadron
Ha! I didn't realize how much these look casts until just now. I swear they are polos and not hard casts! Lol! I wanted tan wraps for him, but wanted the climatex ones. I had to get these from Europe and they weren't quite the color I was expecting. I thought they would be closer to the cognac color that my boots from them are. But this is a nice shade too and actually matches the pad pretty well. 

That's what Eros was wearing today, and here's what I had on:
I livened up our boring outfit with really fun boots. See? Boring can be fun too!

Helmet: One K
I'm so glad I bought this helmet when I did. I've been using it so much this summer!

Top: The Gym People
I snagged this one during Prime day and really like it. It's pretty similar to the FitEq tops. Highly recommend, but they don't have many colors which is a bummer.

Belt: Tory Burch
You've all seen this one plenty of times. It's a favorite.

Breeches: RJ Classics Harper
TS will probably always be my preferred fit for breeches, but I really like the RJ Harpers too. And yeah... there's a chance I bought another pair of weird colored tan pants. I couldn't help it. They were insanely on sale. It would have been a sin to NOT buy them. Also, I think I had a pair this color when I was a kid. 

Boots: Celeris UK
I love these boots so much. Are they ridiculous? Absolutely. Are they amazing? SO AMAZING. And so comfy. 

That's it for this week! Did you enjoy the boring outfit? Any favorite pieces? 


  1. Those boots are so weirdly perfect and not at all extra with that outfit, it has me giggling.

    1. Right?! They bring just the right amount of something to an otherwise dirt colored outfit.

  2. lol this post was looking very vanilla (in a nice classic way, but still!) until those boots!!
