Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Truthful Tuesday


Okay, so normally for Truthful Tuesday I confess things I haven't done but should have. Or something equally lazy. But NOT TODAY! Today I am confessing that I did productive things this weekend! More than one! Yay me!

First, and this one has been a long time coming... I finally turned my trailer around and unhooked it! Imagine that? Been so long. It's cleaned out and ready to go for pickup in the spring too. 

But my real accomplishment came on Monday. I finally went through the tack shed and pulled out allllll the stuff I need to sell. I finally accepted that I should sell all the old blankets I'm not using anymore. I had held on to them because they're really nice blankets, but honestly, if I'm not using them, and I keep finding new ones I like better, than it's time to let them go. I didn't find much tack to part with this time, but there are some saddle pads and some grooming items. Everything will be on my Facebook page once I get to photographing everything. It took me all day to go through everything on Monday and with the earlier sunset I ran out of daylight. I moved everything into an empty stall in the barn though, so later this week I'm hoping to get done with photos and get it all priced and listed. Please buy my stuff! Eros wants his own saddle. He'd be most appreciative. 

So that's today's confession. I finally got my shit together and did some things I've been wanting to get done. How about you? Did you have a productive weekend? Do something fun with your horse?


  1. arghh I feel some purchases coming up if you have Remus's size :) and good for you on turning the trailer around :) HAHAHAHHA and unhooking it! :)

    1. Ohhhh there could be! Please buy my stuff! Lol!
      Hahahaha! I was proud of myself for finally doing it! And it took like two minutes. So ridiculous to put it off for so long.

  2. oh lord for some reason i got like two or three new blankets recently too without unloading any of the old ones... and it turns out 84" blankets take up a TON of room omg...

    1. Yes! The bigger they are the more space they take up, and it doesn't seem proportionate to the size difference. Like why does four extra inches of blanket take up like double the space?
