Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Truthful Tuesday


I always forget how much effort it takes to sell all your stuff on the Facebook. That's today's confession. (If anyone needs any horse stuff, stop over at my Facebook page. Lots still available.) Getting everything listed was a legit undertaking. First I spent probably four hours going through everything in the shed and pulling out all the things I wanted to sell. 

It was a lot of stuff.

Then I had to take pictures of everything and get it all listed on FB. That was another 8ish hours. And just when you think you can relax, it turns out, lots of people actually do want your stuff! So then it's trying to stay organized with who asked first, who paid, who wants what, where it's shipping to, shipping quotes, printing labels, finding boxes... PHEW!

But I'm so happy people are actually wanting things! I'm hoping to put most of the proceeds toward a saddle for Eros. And holiday gifts for the fam of course too. But let's be real. Probably it will all go towards fixing the barn toilet, servicing the car and truck, and getting the furnace cleaned. Boy adulting is exciting, isn't it?


  1. I straight up do not have the energy to sell any sort of large quantity of items directly. Any time I do a big clean out, everything just goes straight to consignment bc the convenience just beats out the costs / efforts LOL (and I just try not to think about the giant cut that gets taken off the top)

    1. For the longest time there were no consignment places anywhere near me. But I just learned about one about a half hour north of here, so I'll probably take whatever doesn't sell up there.

  2. I am just sad that the shipping is so expensive these days. :) But perhaps my bank account is not.

    1. Ugh! I know! I don't really understand how I can get a huge order shipped from Ireland for $53, but it still costs half that to ship a little envelope to Canada. It's silly!

  3. I don't envy you whatsoever. I try to give as much as I can to my barn before I sell things 😂

    1. Hopefully it will be worth it... The barn I ride at requires certain blankets so no one there can use these. Otherwise I think I'd have gotten them all homes pretty easily.

  4. Hopefully my purchase covers like... A billet strap's worth of the new saddle 🤣🤣🤣

  5. I saw a decent amount that I wanted, but I limited myself. Sorry that I couldn't help your new saddle purchase very much. But, maybe I put a dent in... a couple of stitches? lol. Sorry Eros. Maybe I paid for the kids' carrots this month.
