Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Truthful Tuesday


I don't really have much to confess today. Just plugging along. Waiting for spring... It's warmed up some here. Saturday was 30 degrees which felt downright balmy after the last couple of weeks. And Sunday we even got above freezing! Unfortunately, with that comes the dreaded snow crashing off the indoor roof. My full size horses and I all have ptsd about it. Every little noise we think is the snow coming. It makes for some interesting rides. Fortunately, yesterday the barn was closed and it was around 40 so most of the snow came off while no one was in there. Today is freakishly warm for February (might hit 50!) and is pouring rain. So that should get the rest off. Just in time for it to snow again Thursday... Lol. Mother Nature has a terrible sense of humor. 

Poor Pammon was beside himself this morning when I got on. Luckily though, another rider joined us and that helped him considerably. They haven't heard rain on the roof in awhile and he was just so worried about it. Poor dude. We survived though! 

So I guess today's confession is that I'm just as spooky as the horses with the snow on the roof. Do your horses get worried about that? Shiny doesn't care too much. Pammon tends to bolt when he hears it, but Eros turns himself into a helicopter. 

I hope all of you in Texas are staying warm and safe. We're used to that weather up here (but believe me, we don't like it any more than you do) and we're set up for it. It's a totally different story down there. I'm thinking of you guys and sending warm juju your way!

Also, a separate little plug for a budding artist. One of my coworkers has the cutest daughter. I think she's 9 or 10, and she is making digital horse drawings on Etsy. Her shop is Horse Art by Maddie. For $10 you can send her a photo and she'll turn it into a digital drawing for you. She did the one above of Pammon and me. Check out her shop here and support her new business!


  1. charlie about jumped right out of his skin (in the midst of a lesson of littles on their ponies, whoops) when snow fell off the roof recently so.... yea, i get the ptsd lol!

  2. It hasn’t been about freezing for like 12 days here. It does get plenty co in Kansas, but this streak breaks a record set in like the 1930s. It got down to -20 last night. The high yesterday was -2. We’ve been in the house all day.

    1. Yeah, we didn't get above 20 for several weeks, so yesterday was a lovely reprieve! Back to 20's today though, it was short lived.

  3. I remember snow slides. They are not fun. I boarded once at a place that had a canvas arena. That is the noise + shadows moving over head. It was good for Irish. Ultimately but it made for some hairy rides.

    1. Oh yes! It's so weird in a fabric building. I had one at my old barn growing up, sounded like a giant zipper when it slid! Here, we have windows so they can actually see the snow fall in addition to the noise. Winter... the worst.

  4. I'm sure my horse would explode over snow on the roof but thankfully we never experience that here lol

    1. I know I haven't met Dante, but I think you're right! It is pretty scary. I think mostly because it's over their head. They never seem to like sounds above them.
