Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Truthful Tuesday: The one where I did it again...


Soooo... Saturday I get in the Gator to do chores but it won't turn on. The dashboard lights up, but when I try to start it nothing happens. The battery light was on so I figure it must be dead. It was only a couple years old, but since the Gator doesn't run much in the winter sometimes the batteries don't last. But I'm resourceful. I used the truck for chores instead. 

My mechanic isn't open on the weekends so I just waited and called them Monday morning. They sent the battery guy out first. The battery tested fine, so then we were all like okay well, must be the starter then. So he left and sent the flatbed guy out. He's banging on the starter, doing all sorts of things. And then I saw it. Guys. My worker left it in gear when he parked it on Friday. It has to be in neutral to start. That was it. There was nothing wrong with it. And I'm kicking myself for not noticing sooner because that's pretty embarrassing. But then I stopped feeling embarrassed when I realized that I wasn't the only one who didn't notice. Two mechanics, myself, and my worker ALL didn't check that first. 

So yeah. Today's confession is that I couldn't start the Gator because it was in gear. And this is not the first time that's happened. Which is why it's so shameful.... But shoutout to my mechanic for not charging me despite sending TWO people out to help me. That was very nice of them. 


  1. I hit the kill switch once when getting off our 4 wheeler out in a field and thought it just died. Then I couldn't get it started again. DH thankfully noticed it. But yea, you are not alone. LOL

  2. lolololol we have ALL been there one way or another....

    1. I mean, it can happen.... But like shouldn't that lesson be ingrained by now?! Haha!

  3. I feel like not having it in neutral and getting pissed AF about it not starting is a gator right of passage 😂

    1. Hahahaha! TRUTH! But I need to remember this for next time... as I'm sure there will be a next time.

  4. lol. I’ve done this with the tractor. So has Ed.

    1. It seems more common than I realized! Thank goodness it's not just me!
