Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Truthful Tuesday


Guys. I'm having a really hard time committing to horse showing this season. Like I definitely plan to do some. And I totally WANT to do some. But I have some kind of... I dunno... entry block? I have several levels of things stopping me. Part is just general anxiety/fear of the unknown, angst about my first time back in the ring after roughly 100 years. But I think I have some deep down fear that sending in my entries is going to jinx us. Like as soon as those entries go in Al might hurt himself. It's completely ridiculous. Though to be fair, that kid has very little self awareness, so it's not entirely impossible. 

Beyond that I need to figure out the logistics too. I can't afford to pack up all four horses and drag them around with me. (Though I totally wish I could!) So some will have to stay home, and I'll need to arrange a horse and dog sitter. So that gives pause as well. I have a wonderful person who can horse sit, but she's also very busy, so no guarantee she's available when I might need her. The person I used to use regularly has moved to Ocala, so that's a huge bummer. 

I'm sure I'll get it all figured out. But I need to conquer the first step: picking what shows to do! From there I can deal with the uncertainty of the rest of it. (Which horses to take, what classes to show in, arranging the horse sitter, etc.) 

Have any of you felt this sort of inability to proceed when it comes to showing? How did you deal with it? Or just like "suck it up buttercup" and move on with it? I'm sure that's what I'll do. Eventually. 


  1. decision paralysis is my worst enemy. drives me nuts, but is so real. but.... for real tho, step 1: do. the first time is always the hardest, but just commit and make it happen. not everything will be perfect but you'll figure out a system. bc omg Al !!!!! <3

    1. Wait, there's a TERM for this?! At least I'm not alone! Haha! I know. I just gotta rip off that bandaid...

  2. Hahahahaha are you in my brain? I've had approximately 816184 meltdowns this week alone trying to get entries in for my first recognized dressage show 🙈😂 ugh the entry block is so real! But you'll figure it out ♥️ and hopefully I will too lol.

    1. It's just so... intimidating! I'm confident we'll both get there... wherever there may be!

  3. I used to have this anxiety when I entered Carlos in shows because his soundness was so spotty. You need to flip your mindset, which is hard. There will always be another horse show and if one is canceled due to pandemics or soundness it's money saved in a way.

    1. After so many horses all these years giving me soundness trouble, it's a heavy switch to flip! But I'm working through it! Lol!
