Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Truthful Tuesday


Hey guys! This is Shiny. Mom said I had to write today's post because I did a mistake for the second time... She said I had to confess about how I did not learn my lesson the first time. Lessons are hard! And feelings are hard to not share, ya know? I can't help it. I'm just a pony!

You maybe remember a couple of years ago, right before the plague happened, I kicked the wall super hard because I was SO MAD at my neighbor. And a piece of the stall got stuck in my foot? And mom thought it was so crazy but also would probably never happen again? Um. Well. I think Brittney Spears said it best. "Oops! I did it again..."

So Sunday, my friend Barb who lives next me was outside having play time. And some little kid put a LESSON HORSE next to me. Ew. Can you believe it? He's all old and like everyone loves him. So annoying. I couldn't handle it. And then they gave me hay, and I was so mad because the other horse saw. I don't like other horses seeing my food. It's very uncomfortable, and like SHINY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD! So stop staring! 

Now... I'm not saying that's when it happened. Because mom thought I looked normal when she left that afternoon and my friend Barb was back in her stall then. So it's possible I did it later. But I don't usually kick at Barb cause she's my friend. So mom's not really sure when I did it. I'm not saying either. Not everyone needs to know everything about me all the time.

Anyway, mom always taught me to try my hardest no matter what. So I figured if I'm going to do something again, I should do it even better! And so I did! Check out the size of the wall chunk I got stuck in my foot this time!

WAY bigger than last time. I'm so tough! Mom found out Monday morning that something was wrong, but the barn worker who found me with my ouchie foot wasn't sure what was wrong. Mom knew though. Moms always know... So she came out and picked my foot and found this:
The part that looks like shavings next to my frog is the top part of that wood chunk. It was in there SO TIGHT that mom wasn't so sure she should pull it out. Doc thought the same when he saw this photo and said to wait for him to come and leave it in my foot! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I had to keep it in my foot! But I was so brave, and it was okay. Mom said a bad word when doc pulled it out though because it was SO BIG! 

It hurt a lot yesterday, but I got some shots with Banamine and antibiotics. So today it feels better. I'm not allowed to have outside play time for a few days though, and I have to keep it wrapped up. Doc said it might still abscess, but I hope not cause those hurt too. Doc checked it today and thought it looked so good, so mom's gonna check my temp everyday and put a new wrap on it and take me for walks in the soft indoor. Then on Friday doc will visit again and maybe then I can play outside again. But I am excited because mom can't ride me for awhile. She said there are kinder ways to ask for a vacation, but this way seems to be very effective. 

So as mom says, that's my confession today! Have any of your horses ever done this? Do you want me to show them how? I'm SO GOOD AT IT!


  1. OMG Shiny! You are very talented!!

    1. I'm not sure I support this talent of hers... Lol!

  2. Hey Shiney, Carmen here.
    Listen girl no self-respecting mare tolerates others looking at their food. I get it!
    BUT the trick is convey your very valid feelings without actually harming your sweet self. I have found that using the front of your foot makes a very satisfying noise and doesn’t hurt. Also nothing says ‘I’m not happy’ like pinned ears.
    I do admire your dedication to time off. Now that things have thawed my servant is getting ideas again. I wonder if I can fake an impaled hoof?

    1. Shiny wanted me to tell Carmen that she could probably just repeatedly remove a shoe... I'm not sure where she learned that given she's barefoot. Probably best NOT to relay that message though.

  3. "MOM ALWAYS KNOWS" ---- i feel like you need to tattoo that on the inside of all your horses' eyelids... UGH. dear lord, that is horrifying. and i say that as somebody who has seen my horse pierce his own hoof no fewer than 3 times... christ almighty.... i'm glad the vet was able to look at it and that it doesn't seem serious. here's hoping that if there *is* an abscess (and obvi, why wouldn't there be, bleh), that it's short lived and nbd. i swear. these animals will be the death of us!

    1. People keep saying I've been weirdly calm about it. But like... not our first rodeo! Ha! Vet comes again Friday to check on it, but hopefully it's fine.

  4. Dang it Shiny 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ here's hoping there are no I'll effects!
