Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Truthful Tuesday


The days are shorter and the leaves are coming off the trees, which means it's nearly time to move the horses for the winter. 

Dreary day on Saturday, but the leaves are pretty, and I mean,
P is always adorable, no matter the weather

The boarding barn is very full at the moment, so I can't move Eros and Shiny over until Bellino and Fefe head back to Florida. They are leaving early next week though, so it's very soon. One of the nice things about being at the boarding barn, is that we can ride no matter the weather since there is an indoor. (Hence why I go there for the winter.) 

Which leads me to today's confession. It's pouring here today, and the rain will continue through tomorrow morning. Thus, it's a rain day for the horses. I have decided to be a real garbage human today for what's probably my last rain day until the horses come back home in the spring. I'm going to do a little Chanukah shopping online, and obviously I'll tend to the equine as needed, but otherwise, I'm sitting on my lazy ass all day. I was feeling really guilty about that prospect initially, but I've decided not to. Life's too short to feel guilty for taking a lazy day. Besides, getting holiday shopping accomplished early is pretty productive anyway. Win-win!


  1. I'm already preemptively jealous of your access to an indoor for winter 🤣 we're getting the rain tomorrow so I'll be a garbage human then!

    1. It is a luxury for sure! After not having that for many years, I appreciate it fully!

  2. Yeah I read that all holiday shopping should happen early with all the shipping delays going on. Enjoy the time off!

    1. I heard that too! Plus Chanukah starts right after Thanksgiving this year, so time to get this rolling!

  3. Some days just gotta be rain days IMO lol. Good luck with the move!
