Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Truthful Tuesday


Vacation is over and it's back to the grind! I had a time of it trying to get out of bed to go ride Pammon this morning. And that leads to today's confession: I didn't really canter my horse today. 

He came out snorting at everything and I was a wee bit concerned climbing aboard. But Pammon is kind of a snorter in general so I try to set that aside and just ride the horse. We had the ring all to ourselves, which is LOVELY because the boarding barn can be a very busy place. But Pammon goes best with a buddy in the ring with him. He's a social guy, what can I way? 

Anyway, our warm up trot work went pretty well. He was definitely a little up, but was listening fine. So finally it's time to canter. Well I pick it up and he's tossing his head all around and is completely inside out. (Very hollow, brain oozing out the ears... You know, like horses do sometimes.) So I bring him back to the trot and he spooks. At nothing. Eye roll... 

Then he was on high alert, full periscope mode. I did put him back to work at the trot, but I called it a day with trot work. It's a little tough when they're up like that and you know you only have so much time because the work day is calling. (Literally.)

I hate not getting all the things done. I feel a little like I wimped out. And you know that tomorrow won't be better if they don't work enough today. To try and balance that out, I did put him down to have a free lunge tomorrow. Hopefully that can happen before I ride in the morning. Fingers crossed! 


  1. No shame in that! Better to have not cantered out of an abundance of caution than cantered when you knew he was already being a little goofy and having something bad happen! I know I've never regretted those rides I quit a little early over the ones where I asked too much and ended up with an explosion. Tomorrow is a new day! :)

    1. Thank you! I needed to hear this today. I totally agree. The barn I'm at can make me feel... I dunno. Inadequate I guess, for being careful.

    2. I had one of my worst falls ever that really rattled my confidence when I was working with a new horse and she walked/trotted relatively sanely after some time off, and I should have quit on a good note. But I thought I was being a weenie so I pushed for canter and she LAUNCHED me. Not saying that's what would have happened with Pammon, but sometimes I'd rather quit on a good note than potentially pick a fight I could lose. I'm not a professional trainer, I do this for fun. If my gut says it's not fun that day, I'm not doing it. Again, no shame :)

    3. Yes, exactly! This is supposed to be fun!

  2. ehh i'm a pretty firm believe that it is 100% not necessary to do every single thing in every ride. esp around these parts where we are often limited by ground / footing conditions. here's hoping just having a sane experience walking and trotting will make him come out more reasonable tomorrow! (today? lol)

    1. Fingers crossed! Tuesdays are always a little sketchy since they have Monday off. And I ride him before his daily turnout. It's asking a lot!

  3. Eh better safe than sorry, hopefully your next ride is better

    1. That's what I was thinking too. My butt doesn't want any more bruises!

  4. I’m totally in the camp of having a good productive ride and not pushing it if it doesn’t feel right. There is always tomorrow, and the next day :)
