Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Truthful Tuesday


Geeze. You guys. This weekend, I was working on the Clothes Horse blog hop that Amanda started (I'm aiming to publish Friday, wish me luck) and well... It seems it may be time to admit that I have a problem. I was going through all the horse clothes. But it wasn't really ALL the horse clothes. Because I have tubs of them in storage too. Anyway. I added up all the horse clothing items that are somewhat in use. Final tally (at least I think it's the final, I keep remembering I have other stuff floating around) is 106. 106 pieces of horse clothes. That is insane. For 3 horses! Again. It doesn't include what's in storage. So yeah. Perhaps it's time to admit that I actually am a hoarder. Crap. Someone help. I need help. 

These are pretty though right?! They're 18 years old.

Here's my dilemma. When the horses moved home initially, I bought them all matching clothes. I was fortunate that Beval made fairly inexpensive very high quality blankets in my barn colors. I mean, that's impressive. AND they came in little Mow's size too, which could be a challenge. 

Mow and Rio modeling the Beval T/O sheets.

So they all had a full set of these clothes and all was well. But then Beval imploded and stopped making them. I don't have any of them in Shiny's size (nor did I have Ducky's size back when he was around). Most of the Beval blankets were still in use up until I lost Rio. Then the horses went to the boarding barn for the winter and had to wear those required blankets. And then Kentucky made the most luxurious blankets I've ever seen... So you can see how it spirals.

ANYWAY, all that rambling to say, I'm kind of attached to the Beval blankets which are still in good shape so they are packed away in storage (and not in my tally save for one or two). My decluttering self says I probably should sell them off, but my emotional self wants to hang on to them. They were Rio and Jampy's blankets. Mow's. The OG home horses. And they're really quite nice. So likely I'll keep them. I have the space to store them. And it remains to be seen how the current outfits will hold up. I may need them again! 

Do you have guys have anything like that? Something you're not really using but just can't seem to let go of? Am I total hoarding weirdo? (Maybe don't answer that.)


  1. I kept my girls' blankets for a very long time. Even though I would never need anything pony sized again and nothing else ever seemed to fit in my mare's 80s. But they were well used/loved to begin with and then the mice got to them, so I finally sold the few that were still useable and tossed the rest.

    1. Hit publish too soon... I see nothing wrong with keeping things as long as you have the room!

  2. My boys have...a lot of blankets. Subi probably has 15? Maybe more? Nay 10ish. Jiminy only has 6? I ended up selling most of Batt’s. He hated them so why not? I have a couple of the really old ones. Same with Hayley. When she was chunky and healthy, she and Batt wore the same size so he got hers. Then the small ones I sold (too bad as Nay could have used some). I’ll keep keep Subi and Nay Nay’s as 75-78 should fit a variety of future horses. All in all, I must have 30-40 blankets in the house... I’ve only had Subi since 2006...

    1. That does help... At least I'm not alone! They just seem to accumulate.

  3. Ugh, I have a very similar emotional problem with my saddle. I obviously don't have a horse of my own anymore, it won't fit the ones I ride currently, and they all have their own tack. I've considered selling it multiple times since I lost Promise in 2012, but I just can't bring myself to actually do it. I get so emotional when I start gathering the stats on it that I just give up and put it back in the closet. :(

    1. Oh I get that! My Hermes saddle will stay with me forever. Granted, it has almost no resale value at this point... But still. It would stay regardless.

    2. I'm at the point where I'm just going to put a saddle rack over my tack trunk once I get it in it's final spot in the house, which will get it out of 1 closet and stored properly in another LOL

  4. You are my absolute favorite, hahaha. No, I am the opposite of that problem, I would so much rather get rid of something I don't think I'll ever need and then maybe get proved wrong in 10 years and have to re-buy it rather than store it. Connor has one sheet, 3 liners, 1 ultra heavy, 1 BoT, 2 coolers, and a quarter sheet and that's it. But I completely appreciate vicariously living through your land of required color blankets and extra-ness!

    1. Well, I just think I may use the Beval blankets again. If I knew it would be never they'd go!
      Lol! I feel like it's not SO bad since I have to have certain ones at the boarding barn and I have nicer ones that I actually like at my house. So that's like a tiny bit justifiable. Kinda.

  5. I'm sitting at my desk cackling. HOW DO YOU EVEN STORE 106 BLANKETS?! I have so many questions. No judgement, just questions. Each of my four has a sheet and a heavy (they're not clipped or anything so the heavies only come out when MO weather is supremely disgusting), Ruby and Cinna each have a nice "show sheet" and a cooler, and then I think I have like 3 totes of random miscellaneous blankets as backups. Nothing matches though, which of course you know hurts my matchy matchy little soul. I keep dreaming about someday being that organized person with matching sets of labelled blankets for everyone but I'm just... not... lol.

    1. Oh! I will be sharing how they're stored on Friday. Not to worry! They take up surprisingly not that much space.
      So, you'll see when I finally publish the post, they really have like three full wardrobes a piece. One set that lives in the trailer for shows, one set at home, and then one set at the boarding barn. So it's not TOTALLY crazy. Just you know... mildly nuts.

  6. Damn... Dante has been wearing hand me down blankets from my last horse and he wore hand me down blankets from my first horse, and a couple bought used. 106 is a lot. You could donate them to a horse rescue too or a therapeutic riding center.

    1. I've handed down whenever I could up until this year when I replaced a bunch. I just kept getting horses that were either a different size than I had, or the same size as one I still had. Believe it or not most of them are fully in use! So nothing in that section to really donate or sell.
      The older stuff yes, if I decide to part with some of it will be donated. A few years back I gave a TON of stuff to our local therapeutic riding center.

  7. I have a blanket that I don't use but won on Irish as provincial dressage champion so I am not throwing that out. It's embroided and everything.

    1. Oh geeze... I didn't even count the award coolers. They're house decorations... those don't count! Haha!
      Definitely don't part with that!

  8. I have a lot of blankets for Tristan, though I am not quite up to your ratio!

    I have a hairbrush that is objectively terrible and I never use it anymore but it was the very first thing I ever bought for Tristan. I was out running errands the night it became clear he would become mine and I bought this cheap brush at a convenience store. I used it for a few years for him before I upgraded to an Oster mane & tail brush but I can't bring myself to get rid of it.

    1. Isn't it funny the things that we cling to? But that is definitely meaningful, I get it!

  9. Hahaha - Stacie, you are the best! If you have room for the blankets, I say keep em'! I find that horse stuff (tack, blankets,riding clothes, etc) are very hoard-able items. I did a big purge recently, but only because I ran out of room. And my poor horses do not having matching clothes, since they keep growing, moving on, they don't make the colour I want, etc. :-)

    1. They really are. I hate replacing stuff I already have, so it's hard to let go of the things I really liked! Especially when they're no longer available.

  10. Never change.
    If you have the room, what the hell, why not.

  11. oh my lord the amount of stuff i have that i never ever want to let go of bc "maybe one day i'll use it!"
