Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Truthful Tuesday

Well. I guess when you write a blog post with the title Truthful Tuesday, you have to write some truths.  So here we go. The truth is, there is a lot of hate in this world. And this country especially. And the truth is, I knew it was there. But I didn't know how much of it there was. I've been called names because I'm a Jew. I learned not to travel with my chai or star necklace. But I never felt unsafe to take a walk or go for a run. I can hide my Jewishness. (Maybe not the big nose...) But I can keep it to myself. (Though, I shouldn't have to.)
When your skin is dark, you cannot tuck that into your carry on. You take that with you everywhere you go. And there are people out there who will hate you for the color of your skin. For no other reason. And they could hate you so much that if you appear in the wrong place at the wrong time, those people might just kill you. Dead. Just because you existed in their space when they had a bad day.
I don't think the problem is suddenly getting worse. It's always been this bad. It's just finally getting seen by the masses. It needs to be seen. More people need to get angry about it. I don't condone violence. I'm a peaceful person. But if it takes some destruction to bring about change that should have happened long, long ago, then I say light the fires and let them burn.
As a white woman, there is much I need to do and learn to be useful in this change. I need to take some time and do my research. Open my ears. Listen to the stories. I don't entirely know what to do to help. But I plan to figure it out. I hope you will all join me in educating yourselves, listening to your black friends and neighbors, and finding ways to contribute to the change we need to see. 

That's my truth today. My blog will return to horse things tomorrow. Love to all tonight. Don't forget to vote in November.


  1. today was primary voting day in maryland, so that was at least a small bright spot of feeling like i could *do* something. a drop in the bucket, tho, as it always feels.

    1. Everything starts with something. The drops eventually fill the bucket. Nice work!

  2. So this resonated a lot with me, specifically the Jewish thing...which I've struggled with my entire life. I grew up with a catholic mom and a Jewish dad. They raised me jewish (but we still celebrated the cultural aspects of the christian holidays) and I was converted and all that fun. My dad passed away so my mom made sure my brother and I went to hebrew school and had our bar/bat mitzvahs. I probably would have felt OK in a reform synagogue but instead we were members of a conservative one (our rabbi knew all of this but...) so I hid my dual religion household and felt utterly uncomfortable there forever. In fact, today, I don't consider myself religiously jewish but culturally yes. Granted I also don't consider myself christian either as I've never identified that way either. I haven't kept up with religious aspect because, honestly, my mom did her best but after she got remarried and I went to college, there was no reason for her to. And it's hard to observe anything solo (we observed passover our whole life but it's hard to do that yourself, or to plan a sedar yourself...) or just to be the only jewish person around.

    But getting to my point here, I'm living in a very christian town where NO ONE would consider someone being jewish. I don't advertise, but at the end of the day, I can hide this. No one can hide their skin color. I guess this makes us lucky? I don't know. We're so privileged to be able to hide who we are?

    1. It is a privilege! And since we know on a smaller scale what it may feel like, we need to speak louder I think.

  3. Well said. I never thought I was as uneducated as I have recently discovered I am. So I am on a mission to correct that. And cannot wait to vote!

  4. "I don't think the problem is suddenly getting worse. It's always been this bad. It's just finally getting seen by the masses. It needs to be seen. " this is so true. There's a quote ascribed to Will Smith (it was on FB so I don't' know if he said it or not)." racism is not getting worse, it's getting filmed'. So much was swept under the rug before. But people can see and be appalled. And anyone who is not appalled I don't want in my life.

    1. Exactly right, Racism has always been a problem. Overpolicing of the African American community, has always been a problem. Violence against migrant workers (and throughout our US history the race of migrant workers has changed, it's always been a problem.

      I'm glad people are becoming aware of it, I hope people get mad enough to get them on their feet to fight the system.

    2. I agree Teresa. Life's too short.
      And L, I hope this fight brings some change finally.

  5. This resonated with me - thanks for posting. Lots of learning going on with me too...

    1. Thank you for reading and learning along with me!

  6. I'm glad you are aware, with open ears and ready. I have a lot of Jewish friends, I always support them in their causes and stand with them too. That's what it means to be an ally, I educate others when they can't. It is nice when they are able to do the same and I hope that you'll be ready to educate those that we can't.

    1. I keep trying. Have always tried. But I feel more educated now, so hopefully I'll have stronger, better words to help me.

  7. Well-said. I'm sorry you've experienced that. Many of my best-beloved people are also Jewish and have also experienced hatred because of it. We have so much work to do.

    1. Thank you. I'm always surprised when it happens. Which is obviously my privilege showing. I get to be surprised because it's not common. But it's not that way for POC. They are surprised when it doesn't happen. And that's heartbreaking.
