Friday, September 27, 2019


I don't really know how this day has come. Early this morning I had to let Rio go. It was just as hard to do as I always imagined. I will write him a proper tribute at a later time (Jampy's too... I'm really behind, who could have known this would happen so soon after?) but I wanted to share what happened and a maybe just a short look back on our time together to break up the text and remind us all of better days.
I got home last night a little late from work, and Rio was lying down. He's a pretty avid napper, but not usually at the time of day. But he seemed comfortably napping and got up when I opened his door. I thought it was weird but maybe just that. After I threw hay to everyone he went back down. Crap. I got him up and took his temp and called the vet. Wouldn't you know my vet is away at conference? Of course. That's how these things go. But anyway, I wasn't super worried. It was a weird weather day, and while Rio has never really been the colicky sort, he has once or twice in the 15 years we've shared had a little bout of gas discomfort. Always a dose of banamine and a little walk and he was back to good.
We met in January 2004. Here we are in Europe during our first ride together
I gave him a dose of Banamine and some ulcer guard per vets directions and waited. He laid back down and napped very quietly. Which I didn't like. He was down for about an hour, and then finally got up. I had been in contact with the vet and he gave me some numbers for vets on call. The one for my area was still an hour away, but he wasn't wildly uncomfortable so I was okay with the wait. I wound up having to walk him while I waited.
We spent that year in the adult jumpers getting to know each other
When she arrived she did the normal: rectal exam, vitals, etc. We decided to tube him and she gave him some more pain meds. He needed some sedation for the tubing as he really hates that. Hated. I guess. Anyway, he napped comfortably standing while the sedation wore off and the vet went home leaving me with plenty of instructions. At that point we were pretty sure he'd come out of it. We were thinking minor impaction, but nothing was displaced.
The next year we moved up to the low A/O's. Something I never thought I'd be brave enough to do
The pain meds started wearing off around 12:30 am and I asked the vet to come back. She did, and we walked for the hour it took for her to come. She did another rectal and found some things had changed, and not really for the better, but still nothing terribly bad. Next step was more pain meds and IV fluids. I had long ago made the decision that he wouldn't go to the vet hospital if something like this happened. At 23 he's not a surgical candidate, and he doesn't need to go through stress like that if we can do all the same things at home for the most part.
We were moderately successful. Rio took the best care of me.
The pain meds started wearing off in about an hour. So we gave some more while the fluids dripped in. They wore off faster. He was never horribly uncomfortable seeming, he wanted to lay down but didn't want to roll. It was all thankfully, not overly traumatic. But it made it an awful lot harder to make the decision. The vet let me know we could wait and see but we had done all we could to keep him comfortable and it really wasn't working. I won't let my horses suffer needlessly and so the next time he was down and started looking to his belly, I knew it was time. Worst moment of my life. I'm glad he was down when we did it so he didn't have to fall like Jampy. (That's really traumatic to see.) It was all very peaceful, and exactly what you'd hope for your horse when the time comes. The cremation people fortunately live very close to me, and are available 24 hours a day. I said my last good bye to him at 4:00 am and they were there in about an hour to get him.
He had some injuries over the years, and eventually he stepped down to the hunters.
He was very successful in that ring too!
I always knew eventually this day would come. And I of course knew it was getting closer and closer. But you're never really ready when the day arrives. I wish our vet had been with us. But the vet who came was wonderful, caring, and kind. She never rushed my decision despite being at my barn for three hours in the middle of the night. She told Rio he was handsome and wonderful. She said he was a brave boy and did his best. She was right. And she has no idea really how much so.
We showed in the equitation sometimes too.
Here we are placing in second in our state medal final.
Rio fought like a champ when the whole EPM thing happened. He came back from the brink and gave me 5 more amazing years. The best day of my life was the day I got to sit on him again for the first time since the diagnosis. I'm sad I can't make any more memories like that with him. But I'm holding on so tight to all the ones we did make. Like all of his birthday celebrations.

I mean the pizza truck party was pretty epic.

Fifteen years together. It was an incredible run, and there's a giant Rio sized hole in me right now. I can't even count how many people have reached out. He's touched a lot of lives just by being Rio. The most handsome horse I'll ever own. The most honest. The most stoic. The most loyal. The most loving. He was just the most everything.
I hope he finds fields of his favorite grass and his brother Jampy on the other side. Rest easy Rio. You were my best friend. I'll miss you always and love you longer than forever.


  1. Oh Stacie <3 I am so, so SO sorry.

  2. i am so so so sorry <3 there aren't really any good words but i'm so glad he had you and you had him. sending hugs :(

  3. Oh, I am so sorry for your loss <3
    Sending you so many hugs and love. Rest in peace, sweet Rio!!

  4. I am so so very sorry. I was up right around the time you posted on Instagram about Rio. I was up with nightmares after my barn had lost a horse to colic on Wednesday. The world needs more sweet, brave bay geldings, and I know we lost two very very good ones this week. Sending you all the hugs and support.

    1. Stacie I just cant even fathom how you must feel today. I am so so sorry about your loss of Rio. I wish that things had been different. I know that he loved you just as much as you loved him and you were the BEST mom to him ever!! I am so glad your barn is not empty though I know it will be hard to pass that stall. HUGS

      thank you Emily for texting me this morning so I knew, otherwise i might not have known right away (Sometimes IG is the last thing i get to check in mornings).

      UGH what a shitty shitty week :(

    2. Emily, I'm so sorry about the loss at your barn too. What a terrible week.
      Thank you both for your kind words <3

  5. I am so broken hearted for you :( I lost my childhood pony and my heart horse less than six months apart, so unfortunately I know EXACTLY how you feel. Hug Shiny and Pammon extra hard tonight <3

    1. It's definitely not enough time in between! Though I suppose there never would be.
      Thank you <3

  6. (((Hugs))) thank you for taking such good care of him. 💕💕

    1. I sometimes feel I was put on this earth to serve him. He was the best thing to ever happen to me.

  7. Oh Stacie, I am brokenhearted for you tonight. I am so so sorry. Thank you for letting us get to know sweet Rio over the years.

  8. Talk about a horse that had the very best life thanks to the very best mom. RIP, Rio. You will be missed by all of us. <3

  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a great boy he was.

  10. I am so very sorry Stacie. What a wonderful time you two shared.

  11. I'm so sorry. Rio was a really special horse and he had the very best home with you. Hugs.

  12. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. This is the worst news. He was such a good boy.

  13. Stacie my heart is hurting for you. How lucky you were to have him in your life, and how lucky was he to be spoiled and loved and adored by you. Thinking of you and all the amazing memories the two of you shared.
