Thursday, December 21, 2023

Thursday's Threads: You'll Shoot Your Eye Out Edition


Outfit Day! I'm trying not to let horse drama ruin my holiday spirit, so in an effort to bring some joy back to the horses for me, Eros and I dressed up for Christmas today. Specifically, in our A Christmas Story finest. And while I realize it should be Al's turn to model, he doesn't get to today. I may or may not have also given his bedtime cookie to the other horse I ride today... Consequences. Anyway! Let's see what E was wearing today for our tack walk.

Bridle: Joseph Sterling
Brow Band: Dark Jewel Designs

I know. This isn't festive! Imagine my surprise when I realized I never made a Christmas Story brow band! Something to work on for next year.  

Saddle: Butet
Saddle Pad: Hopeful Equestrian
Half Pad: Mattes
I am very clearly off my game because I forgot to bring the black half pad to the barn with the rest of E's outfit. But there is some blue on the pad, so it kinda almost goes together. 

Boots: Premier Equine, embellished by me
Didn't forget boot tabs though! Ha! I love these!

As has been the norm, I wore my Samshield and De Niro boots, so we'll skip over those. Here's the rest of what I had on though:
Of course, it was FREEZING out today, so I also had on a puffy vest and jacket so no one say my outfit. But that's okay. This joy is for me anyway. 

Sweater: A Christmas Story
It's wrinkled funny because of how my arm is, but it says Fragile on top. It's pretty fantastic. 

Belt: C4
I mean... does a better belt exist? Okay, well yes. My Rio and Jampy belts are better. But this is a close runner up!

Breeches: Tailored Sportsman
I'm not really a red person generally, but a couple times a year red breeches are pretty much required. Namely, Christmas and Fourth of July. For something I will only wear twice a year, I never cared if my red breeches were high end. But after my old pair of horseware ones died a bit ago, I went hunting for new red breeches. And I happened to get lucky and find this pair second hand for reasonable money. So now I have fancy red breeches. You'll see them again in July. Lol!

Socks: A Christmas Story
I really need D&S to make some leg lamp socks. These are mens crew socks which are almost tall enough to be knee socks for me... But not quite. They're pretty adorable, but they really aren't working with the red breeches.

And that's it for today! Something fun for the holidays! Do you love or hate A Christmas Story? Have you seen the sequel that came last year? I loved it!


  1. OMG,that outfit is amazing. I love it!

    1. Thank you! I love this movie, I watch it every year!

  2. lol i'm pretty sure i need that sweater. like, not for holidays or festivities or whatever, but just bc.... lol... sometimes we need a label LOL

    1. Hahahaha! YES! I think Charlie should get a cooler done up like it. (Eros too probably)
