Thursday, December 14, 2023

Thursday's Threads: Last Night of Chanukah Edition


This is it! The last night of Chanukah! Well technically anyway. My family elected to have our Chanukah party this Saturday, so we're dragging it out a little. Plus we'll celebrate again at the end of the month when my siblings and I all visit our dad and stepmom in Florida. But it IS the end of Chanukah Thursday's Threads outfits for this year. Shiny wanted to celebrate today, so here's what she was wearing:

Bridle: Joseph Sterling
Browband: Home made by me

Why yes, those are gnomes on the brow band! Shalom Gnomes! Ha! Apparently some marketing genius came up with them in the recent past as they are pretty readily available in all kinds of forms. I am the reason these marketing people have jobs. 

Saddle: Custom Saddlery
Saddle Pad: Hopeful Equestrian
Half Pad: Ippico
This was my very first Chanukah set that I had done quite a few years ago. Still going strong! I would like to add a one more to the collection next year, hopefully I'll remember in time. 

Boots: Premier Equine embellished by me

Getting lots of use out of the interchangeable boots lately! Love how this pattern looks on the boots.

And here's what I had on:
Still wearing the same helmet and boots so we're skipping over them again.

Hoodie: Etsy
I know it's a hoodie and not a sweater, but let me assure you, I've been hunting for YEARS for a purple Chanukah sweater. It does not exist. So I decided to hunt for a hoodie instead. And then I got the gnome beads, so obviously I needed a purple Shalom Gnome sweatshirt. No regrets here!

Belt: C4
I wore this one last week too. I do have another belt, but it didn't match either outfit. I'm probably going to add a third for next year though. Need a purple one for the Gnomes! I also have a needlepoint canvas that I should start stitching now so it could be done for next year... We'll have to see how that plays out! Haha!

Breeches: Dover

You've all seen these plenty before. My go-to cold weather breeches. It stayed in the 30's today so was pretty chilly. I think it's going to be a very long cold winter. Boo.

And that's it for today! What do you think of the gnomes? Pretty cute, right?!