Wednesday, September 28, 2022

What's Up Wednesday


Heh... I nearly forgot to write this post today. It wasn't even a busy day! But I'm here now, so let's go!

Autumn has made itself known around here with temps dropping down to the 50's and 60's and it seems to be windy just all the time. The horses are all kinds of spooky. ALL. Kinds. 

Since I'm here alone, I try to stay smart about my saddle time. Also, I'm a weenie. But mostly, I just don't want to die in my ring all alone, so I do my best to be smart about what I'm doing with the horses on any given day. (Don't forget that not only do I have to contend with the weather, but also the neighbor who has spent the last two weeks making as much noise as possible next door whenever I'm on a horse.) Al and Eros both have a really hard time on windy days. They are startled by everything it seems. So those are not good days for jump schools. Could I safely jump them around while they're being spooky idiots? Probably. But we don't have any set schedule, so why tempt fate? 

On the other hand, if it's ALWAYS windy, when do we jump? I tried for Sunday but the neighbor made that impossible. (I really have had about enough of that guy. Someone want to offer him a bunch of money and come be my neighbor?) So we only jumped Wednesday this past week. I was hoping for today because the weather channel said it wouldn't be too windy. But the weather channel lied! I still was going to give it a go. I popped over three little fences with Al. They went fine:

Until this happened. 

He ran himself around for a bit before I could catch him, and while less of a spooky idiot after that, I opted out of doing any more jumping today. I'm not injured or anything, but between the neighbor being an ass and the wind... I just was done with hard things for the day. Maybe we'll try again tomorrow. Maybe this weekend. We'll just have to see how things go. I wasn't heading to a jump when this happened or anything, so it's not like he got away with anything. I got back on and flatted him for awhile. And I still considered jumping Eros but then he was also spooking at nothing, and I was like eff this man! And he just flatted too. Same with Shiny (she wasn't spooky, I just mean I didn't jump her either). I was over it for the day. Some days are like that. 

There really wasn't much to report back on this week otherwise with the horses. But it was a busy/kind of stressful week otherwise. I mentioned last week about our boat trip to see the swallows... Well turns out, one of dad's friends came down with Covid right after. And then another, and another... Figures, the one time I do something with people in attendance and it's a freaking super spreader event. So far I'm still okay. One of my nieces and my dad both tested positive though. Niece is already feeling back to normal (she was sick over the weekend) but dad first tested positive this morning. He's feeling crummy but said his breathing is fine. So hopefully it won't be too bad. He had dinner later in the week with one of the other positives (before either was feeling bad of course, my dad and his friends aren't ass holes or anything!)so he had a later exposure than the rest of us. Of course I've had psychosomatic Covid all week but don't actually have any symptoms. And tested negative before having dinner with my mom last night. So hopefully I'll be in the clear! It's been seven days and these newer variants don't seem to hide for long. Cross your fingers for me... and for my dad that he gets through it easily. (He's in his mid 70's so not a spring chicken!) Oh and also, I got my booster Friday morning. So it should be like a super booster with an exposure on top of it, right? Sheesh. Ugh.

I got to do some braiding over the weekend, so that was a nice distraction. I had one horse Thursday night, but he's the one with a TON of mane, so it was like braiding two... Lol! He was in a weird mood. I've braided him a few times before, and he's always sweet as can be and easy to do. But this time, he didn't want me to catch him in his stall. I wonder if he got wormed or something earlier in the day. Sounds like he was good at the show, so who knows what his drama was about. He came out decently though. Not perfect, but not bad. 

Then for Saturday night, I had PONIES!!! Well behaved ponies, so that's the best part. Plus they're all smalls. So short necks. Ha! 

I thought I wouldn't have any more jobs this year, so it was nice to get these calls. A little surprise work is never a bad thing! (Well, that's not really true. But in THIS case it is.)

Hopefully the horses will adjust to the weather soon and my neighbor will move out or something... So maybe next week we can have a more fun post on here! Until then, I'll just watching that video of me getting pitched off over and over. It's really entertaining!


  1. AL!! Glad you're okay!! And holy cow that one mane... soooo many gorgeous braids!

    1. Silly Al...
      Thank you! Yes, there were 44 braids, which is a lot!

  2. Ugh, bad neighbors are the worst 🙈 I'm glad you're okay after the eject button! And fingers crossed everyone comes through their covid unscathed 🤞

    1. Thank you! Sounds like everyone is feeling better, and I think I've avoided it! (Phew!)

  3. Oh em geeeee he like *evaporated* out from under you Christ almighty lol, glad you weren’t too busted up! Totally agreed with not feeling a need to push against those instincts ffs… ugh horses!

  4. I swear all anyone has to say is "covid" and I immediately feel sick lol But if you've made it 7 days and tested negative I think you are probably in the clear

  5. man COVID IS A BITCH (as you know from my saga)!! Just keep vigilant :) Mucinex was my friend! Also ouch on your dismount. My abs hurt watching that video hahah been there got the tshirt!! It is coolish here in the am and a bit windy too and honestly this is why Remus does not live at home because I would never ride in case i died by myself :)

    1. There really is some comfort in knowing someone would find you relatively quickly...

  6. I hate when they zig and I zag! I swear it's the worst way to come off!

    So glad you're testing negative so far. You are probably in the clear after 7 days. The new variants seem to average 3-4 days after exposure.

    I came back from vacation on the 18th, my at-homes were negative the 19th and 20th. My mom, who was traveling with me, tested positive on the 20th, so I had to call hubby and tell him there was a complication and even if I tested negative the following day, I needed to continue quarantining. I tested positive with a PCR test on the 21st, with no symptoms. Ugh. Quarantine with no symptoms is WAY worse than with symptoms -- not that I was wishing to be sick or anything, but 2 weeks straight with mom was a bit much :( I was able to go home on the 26th since I was officially not contagious anymore, and finally tested negative 8 days later on the 28th. Absolutely insane. When I was actually sick back in July, I tested negative in 5 days!

    1. Ugh! That sounds so boring. I'm glad you were feeling okay though, definitely better than also feeling sick!
