Wednesday, July 13, 2022

What's Up Wednesday


Phew. It's been busy around here this past week. I braided a total of 13 manes and 3 tails.

Due to that, I don't remember a whole lot about the week... ha... Not sleeping is rough on the memory!

I only jumped once last week. We normally jump Wed and then again either Fri or Sat. But I was pretty exhausted both days and didn't see the point. So I didn't do it. No regrets. Wednesday went well though! The horses saw the body worker yesterday so this week's schedule will also be skewed. Nothing wrong with that. It's okay to have some light weeks amongst the work. Good for everyone I think.

This past week Shiny jumped some of the real jumps set at about 18".

She was super game and was taking me right to the jumps. She definitely missed jumping these past many months! I think I'll keep her to once a week jump sessions for a bit, but I'm SO excited to be jumping her again.
She had a good report from the body worker too. Just her usual spots, and they all adjusted more easily than in the past. She also thought the SI injections were helping her a lot. So all good news for Shiny!

Pammon stuck with cavalletti again this week, and he's doing great with them.

We'll keep doing this once a week too. It's nice to do something different with him after all this time doing the exact same ride every single day. He's feeling better too. Much less back sore than when the vet was last out. I really think he was just tense from coming off the ace and it took some time for him to relax on his own. The body worker thought his back was pretty good for him, so she's in agreement with what I'm feeling. 

Eros was very good for his jump school and even let me put some courses together without turning into a freight train. He still gets strong in the line, but it's improving each time we jump. 

He broke out in some hives over the weekend, but seems to be doing better now. I think something stung or bit him that he had a reaction to. I haven't changed our fly spray, bedding, hay, nor feed, so it's really the only logical explanation. Whatever it was, I'm sure he'll survive. He didn't seem terribly bothered, but he sure did look itchy:

The body worker was happy with him overall too. His neck was the best it's been, which is awesome! 

Al was great for our school last week. I made a mistake into the line but he just dealt with it, and never got offended or worried. He's just such an understanding guy! I put a couple jumps up to 3'3" and the height is just a non issue with him.

I'm not sure if you all remember, but we've been keeping an eye on that quarter crack he developed shortly after arriving. It's been fine and was growing out, but all of a sudden this week it opened back up and started bleeding when we work.

Our farrier sent his apprentice to put a patch on it on Monday, and I'm just waiting for our actual farrier to come out and float it. Al's been sound on it so we're not freaking out, but I'm not going to jump until the farrier comes out again I don't think. We'll see how he does with the patch anyway. The body worker did note that he had some tightness on that side, very likely due to that crack, so it's probably bugging him a little bit even if he is presenting sound. Nothing wrong with being careful anyway. Hopefully we'll have it back under control asap. 

That's about it from here. This week will also be quiet. I have more braiding to do, Al is on light work, and everyone but Pammon had yesterday off in addition to Monday. I'll probably pop Eros and Shiny over some jumps on Thursday, and Pammon will do his rails that day. Otherwise it's going to be a couple of good flat rides and a few light ones for this week. I get to feeling very guilty when I don't work them hard all the time, but honestly, I think it's good for then to have some easy rides now and then. Especially when I've been up all night braiding! 

Did you all have a good week/weekend? Do anything fun and exciting?


  1. ugh i hate quarter cracks, good luck :( also fwiw charlie breaks out in hives pretty routinely after major rain storms.... but not sure that's applicable for your guys with their turnout situations etc

    1. He was super lame on it yesterday, so ugh is right! Hopefully my farrier gets here soon.
      I think maybe it's all the little gnats and mosquitos that come out in that weather maybe? We haven't had any rain for awhile so I don't think that did it this time. Thankfully he's all cleared up (at least for the moment)!
