Wednesday, November 10, 2021

What's Up Wednesday


I forgot how bad I am about taking any sort of photos when I'm at the boarding barn... This post will be light on media I'm afraid. I'll try and do better going forward.

So let's see... when we last left off, I had moved the ponies over to the boarding barn. They have settled in just fine thankfully. I already talked about Shiny's clinic session, and so far that's the only day that she has jumped over there. I have a lesson scheduled for tomorrow morning. It's a private, so we can do exactly what she needs to get her feeling good about her job again. Should be fun! 

Eros has been wonderful, and is feeling pretty good too. So I'm feeling positive that he'll get to start doing fun things again soon as well. The vet will be out Friday, so he's having a recheck. I'll let you all know how that goes! 

Friday is a big day for Pammon too. He's having his first ultrasound since May when he moved out to the field. Cross all of your crossables that it's good news for him. He needs to get back to work! I haven't been grooming him the last couple of weeks as his field is a muddy mess, and neither of us is interested in it. Now that it's cool out, I think he'd rather keep his sheet on. Or something. He doesn't seem to want me to catch him. Punk! Regardless of everything, he'll be moving back in December 1st as they want to close the fields for the winter. Okay by me anyway, hopefully he'll be rehabbing at that point. 

I feel like I should have lots to write about since moving the horses is a big change and all, but honestly, not that much exciting is happening. I'm sure content will pick up once Shiny is in regular lessons and whatever else goes on with the boys. 

In the meantime, I'm hunting a mouse in my house and fighting with the pin on my trailer hitch which is still attached to my truck at the moment. Clearly, I'm not yet winning that battle... I will though! Lol. I'm nothing if not determined!

In other fun news, it's spirit week at the barn! I'm going to share three of the outfits over the next few weeks for Thursday's Threads. But I failed at snapping individual item photos today, so today's outfit won't be featured. Thus, it's the one and only photo I have for this post... 

Today's theme was Larimar Wednesday, so Eros and I dressed all in the farm's colors and logo. It was an easy one, since we wear the barn colors a lot anyway. Just not always all at the same time... The other themes are Tropical Tuesday, Color Wars Thursday, and Flannel Friday. Saturday is stall decorating but I think the lesson kids are going to do my stall so I have no plan for that. Thank goodness. I have lots of outfits, but I'm lacking in decor. The barn is shaped like an H so we have four quadrants and that's how the teams are broken up. I have horses in two quadrants, but can only compete for one team, so I picked Eros' quadrant. For color wars day, each quadrant was assigned color. Unfortunately for me, our color is red. Which, the only red I had was buffalo plaid which is perfect for Friday. So I had to make a few purchases. Happy to report we will be outfitted accordingly, even if Eros and I both look pretty terrible in red. Also, after color wars day, I will have some red stuff for sale if anyone's in need...

Lastly, I'm getting my covid booster right after Shiny's lesson tomorrow. I'm looking forward to being ultra vaxxed! Hopefully the side effects won't be too bad. Hoping to meet up with my book club friends for an outdoor gathering in the evening, but we'll have to see what Pfizer has to say about that... 

Did you all have a good week/weekend? What did you do???


  1. wow that lay up time for Pammon kinda flew by (at least, that's how it seemed from this side of the computer haha). my fingers are seriously crossed that you get good news on his re check!! also, good luck with that trailer pin. nothing inspires that enraged hopeless feeling in quite the same way as some deeply stuck mechanical doodad.... i'm *not* above unloading literally all the WD40 and going to town on something with a 2x4....

    1. WD40 and the 2x4 were the most common suggestions... It seems we all have some mild rage issues. I didn't have a 2x4 but I did have a hammer and managed to get it free. However, it seems I will now need to hammer it closed in the future. Might be a job for the professionals. Lol!

  2. My friend said her arm was sore but she otherwise felt fine after the booster

    1. Mine was canceled as my doc ran out of vax before my appointment. Trying again on Wed.
