Wednesday, November 3, 2021

What's Up Wednesday


Phew, late to the party today! It was moving day for Eros and Shiny, so I spent the day getting them settled at the boarding barn for the winter. And then rode them both. I think they were happy to not be out in the wind for our rides today. Back outside tomorrow though because Shiny is doing a clinic with Nona Garson this weekend, and it will be outside. At 7:30 am. Ugh. Talk about drawing the short straw. Time to bust out the winter clothes!

This past week/weekend was a little inconsistent as we've been getting a lot of rain. Shiny only jumped once last week, but it was a fun day. It took a little bit to get her going, but once she was moving along, she jumped around nicely. 

I even put the oxer out of the line up to 2'6", which was a big deal to me. I mean... I made it as narrow as I possibly could.... But it still counts! 

She probably won't jump again until this weekend in the clinic. Hopefully it goes okay. I'm a little nervous... But sometimes you just have to do the thing nervous. 

Eros is doing well. He actually felt a bit better today in the fancy footing at the barn, so I'm hopeful he'll be back to real work soon. Our vet will be out the end of next week so if he has time, I'll have him re check Eros. Pammon is getting scanned too, so it's a big day. Fingers crossed it all goes positively. 

Bellino and Fefe headed back to Florida on Sunday, but I got to ride them both on Saturday before they left which was nice. I had my Thursday lesson on B, and while it started off REALLY well, it went kind of downhill. We were jumping inside and I don't think that's his jam. He warmed up fine, and our first course was pretty perfect. I even commented to my instructor that he felt different than usual, but in a good way. Unfortunately, after that he didn't want to play anymore. That's what I get for complimenting him I guess. He didn't want to go forward, and kept throwing his head up and trying to plant his feet. Naughty behavior. I decided not to push the jumping, as I didn't want to open a can of worms before he left. He would have a training ride the next day to fix him. But I also didn't want him to finish getting his way, so I did make him go back to work on the flat. He hated it and protested, but I kept him moving until he gave up the nonsense. He was good for his training ride the next day, and fine for me on Saturday too, so no harm no foul. Just a bad day I guess. Bummer it was our last lesson, but what can you do?

Not much else to report really. How was your week/weekend? Do anything fun and exciting? 


  1. Glad it was an uneventful move for all the ponies! Can’t wait to hear about the clinic with shiny!

    1. Thanks! I'm so not looking forward to it being so early. And cold. So cold.

  2. Good timing to move to the boarding barn with the indoor! Sounds like the clinic will be good for you and Shiny. Looking forward to hearing how it goes!

    My week was ok - looking forward to the weekend, I'm shopping for weanlings with a friend!

  3. Oooh I'd love to ride with Nona Garson! How fun!

    1. I typically enjoy her lessons. She's not at all mean which I like, yet still is demanding enough to feel like you're getting your moneys worth.
