Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Truthful Tuesday

I know I've written this same post before... but you guys. I will do pretty much anything other than actually clean my house. The latest edition of things I do instead of being responsible includes making AMAZING popsicles.
They're blueberry, banana, and maple syrup. Ridiculously delicious. Though definitely sweet.

But that really didn't take much time at all... so I also made more Chex mix. Because as we've already accepted, I have a Chex mix problem.

But that also is only like an hour long task, and does allow for free time in between stirring... so I also got started on another order of bracelets.

I would have finished them, but I made a mistake ordering supplies and didn't get enough clasps. So gotta wait on that. 

Anyway, by the time I was done with all of that, it was close to 9 pm. Obviously that is MUCH too late to start vacuuming and washing floors. Right? Ugh. I'm disgusting. I really need to make an effort this weekend to actually clean this pig stye I live in.

Are you disciplined about cleaning? Have someone who comes in and does it? Prior to covid I had a cleaning lady, but I don't right now. Definitely is on the list to have again once things settle down.


  1. Ugh, I swing wildly. Sometimes I'm super on top of things! Sometimes I live in a pigsty. Right now, my kitchen and most of the downstairs looks good but the bathrooms & upstairs are...not.

    I would love to have someone come in and clean but that is just not in the cards. :(

    1. I really miss having someone do that stuff for me... But I also don't feel at all comfortable having anyone in my house right now. SO guess I better get to cleaning!

  2. My husband and I also swing wildly. Some weeks we are on it and the house is spotless, other times, it's like a tidy up or a wipe down here and there but the floors are a disaster.

    1. It's been awhile since I've been on it... lol! I do clean the bathrooms and kitchen regularly. I'm not a total animal!

  3. i don't even wanna talk about how long its been since i vacuumed....

  4. I was very disciplined about cleaning my house before Grad School - T used to say it was unworldy clean. I grew up on a very strict cleaning schedule imposed by my Step-dad which if ever strayed from resulted in PsyOps consequences. As an adult I pretty much kept to a Mon - sweep, Tue- laundry - wed- bathroom... etc type schedule as an adult. Then obviously Grad School took over my life and I allowed more mess to creep in - I can't have it be too messy though because then my anxiety kicks up. I realize as an adult that it is probably some form of PTSD waiting for some sort of too severe punishment to get handed down to me for slovenliness.

    But I have always hated vacuuming until I got a new vacuum and holy shit, vacuuming takes 10 mins tops, I stopped sweeping the hardwood and tile floors because vacuuming is easier!

    1. Vacuuming is definitely better and happens much more frequently now that I have a cordless one.
      I'm really disciplined about keeping things neat and clean in the barn. Just not in my house. Shows where my priorities are.

  5. Sounds like a productive time avoiding Stupid Adult Chores, haha.

    I'm pretty disciplined about cleaning in a way, but I also lazy. For example, I clean the bathroom, mop, vacuum, do laundry, etc on a weekly schedule (I often sweep every single day, and vacuum twice a week) but I wouldn't say I am "give the baseboards their weekly dusting" kind of clean. The big messes get cleaned up, but the more detailed jobs (ie. washing windows, dusting, polishing cabinets, cleaning the fridge) get done... whenever? LOL.

    1. Oh man, half of that I'm not sure I've ever done... (Keeping in mind, I did have a professional, so it did get done.... just not recently.)
