Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Truthful Tuesday

Heh... well, I always knew I had a lot of random crap when it comes to saddle pads, horse boots, and human clothes. But I never knew just how handy my hoarding would be! I still haven't ventured out to any stores. I really don't go anywhere except occasionally to see my parents and to the barn. And the gas station like once a month ish. So when the barn sent a group text saying they would be having spirit week I was kind of bummed that I wouldn't be able to go all in. We were only given a few days notice and nothing ships in two days anymore. So I knew I had to work with what I have at home. You guys. I'm all in. And I didn't have to buy anything! The themes are as follows:
Tuesday: Tacky Tourist Tuesday
Wednesday: Larimar Day (wear barn colors/barn logo stuff)
Thursday: Throw Back Thursday (any decade up through 90's)
Friday: Team Colors (My team has been assigned yellow)
Sunday: Stall decorating day (Saturday is skipped because they are all going to a one day show)

So today was the first day, and Pammon and I kicked things off early this morning. I'll share photos of every day next week, but here's a little sneak peak from my ride before work today:
We didn't actually ride with the sunglasses, trainer was afraid we might die. 
But probably it would have been fine... 
So yeah, I actually already owned that sunglass browband. Why you ask? Just because I'm me. Obviously they were useful and it's a good thing I have them!

I have all the weekdays covered, but I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do for stall decorating. I don't really have much decor for that sort of thing handy I don't think, and I just don't really have any idea what I want to do. 

Anyway, my confession today is that I clearly have too much random crap... But also I am glad that I do so we can have a lot of fun without even leaving my property!

Have you guys ever participated in spirit week? Any suggestions for stall front decorating? I was half thinking I'd just set it up like my horse show "set up" with some ribbons and my director's chair. But that's a little weak maybe.


  1. Haha - love Pammon's sunglasses! You were meant to participate in weeks like these - I have a feeling you will rock Thursday with all of your 80s stuff! :-)

    I'm terrible at themes and decorating, so I'm no help on the stall stuff!

    1. Ha! Yeah today's post is kind of a repeat of one I've done before... but necessary given the theme!

  2. This is definitely a challenge uniquely situated to you!

    1. I feel like I'm definitely doing my party to carry my quadrant.

  3. Hahaha L is right, you are UNIQUELY SUITED to kick butt at this challenge. I cannot wait to see the rest of the outfits!

  4. oh. hell. YES!!! this is awesome hahahaha, i wish we'd do something like this omg

  5. Replies
    1. One of the teens showed up with a unicorn floatie. It was HILARIOUS!

  6. Pammon looks WILDLY enthused by his sunglasses hahaha. Oh the life of the adult ammie horse.

    1. He's all "I'm not sure I signed up for this nonsense"

  7. What a great idea!! I think you will kick ass.
