Thursday, July 2, 2020

Thursday's Threads

Outfit Day! I know I was all, I'm gonna wear fun boots again now that I'm home. And I WILL! But not this week because mud. I'm sure you all understand. So here's one more week of a short Thursday's Threads post. 
Very pink today... But hey, I like pink!

Top: It's a Haggerty's
I know what you're thinking... "I thought that was a long sleeve shirt?" You're not wrong exactly. I have worn this shirt in the long sleeve version before and when I saw a short sleeve option available, I had to have that one too. I can't help it. I love flamingos! And it matches some of my luggage. For all that traveling we're not doing these days! Ha! Anyway, I like this shirt brand, but don't forget to size up if you order from them!

Belt: unknown brand
I got this belt on Poshmark, and I think the girl selling it made it, but I'm not positive. It's cute, and is all the right colors!

Breeches: Smartpak Pipers
These photographed really purple for some reason, but I think they lean more pink in real life. I think the belt photo is a more accurate color representation. You all know how I feel about Pipers. Meh, but the colors are fun.

Arm Party!
Lefty tool on all the tech today. I love that hot pink band for the Fitbit!

Righty is donning this Hermes bracelet that is a very close match to the color of the breeches. It also is not photographing properly... such troubles today! And the other is a cute Flamingo bracelet I found on Ebay awhile back.

That's it for today! Any favorites? What are you wearing?


  1. I actually had to run into my office this morning so I wore like..real work pants.. like an adult 🤣🤣 it was weird. I love that top!!

  2. The SD Zoo has so many flamingos!

    1. They do! I actually went there when I was 14 and loved seeing them! I wish you could keep them like chickens. (Free range of course.)
