Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Truthful Tuesday

Well. We've had the plague and the murder hornets... And now I'm fighting the mice. Those little ass holes got into a fresh bag of P's prescription dog food. The jerks! So I've waged an all out war. So far I've caught five. Five! Disgusting. I don't even want to know how many more there are. The curse of old houses I'm afraid. Everyone always thinks old houses are haunted, but usually it's just a horrible rodent infestation. Still though, I prefer the mice to when I had the squirrel problem. That was a nightmare. Literally, because those effers are nocturnal and would wake me up at night.
I think with all my house cleaning and moving into the upstairs after all these years, I've dislodged all their secret living places. So I guess I've been living with a lot of mice all over the house for a long tine and was just in denial. How gross.
So that's today's confession. It's mouse hunting season.

And as promised I have a Tuesday outfit to share. Not a full post, just some pics for you:


  1. Fellow old house owning mouse hunter! One morning I was sitting at my dining room table on a conference call and saw FIVE of the little fuckers run across the room and use the old radiator holes as a racetrack. We had been doing snap traps up to that point but I knew if I saw five in an hour I was over my head. We had a pro come out and set traps, and haven't seen one since. Highly recommend.

    1. OMG! FIVE AT ONCE?! I'd have died. I had the pro out for the squirrels, but the mice he said I should just keep doing what I do. I haven't had much trouble with them for awhile, so I guess I was due for some mouse hunting... Haha! Oye.

  2. Before we built the house we had a HORRIBLE mouse problem. The dachshunds actually got pretty savvy and would hunt them, haha. Which I had to put a stop to the time Indy dug the vent cover off and tried to crawl in the vents to snatch one... sigh. I hate mice! Good luck with your war on them.

    1. They're disgusting little creatures. And their little hairless tails especially so.

  3. Ugh rodents. Don't even get me started on them >:[

  4. umm can you tell me more about your squirrel problem. i hear something in my eaves some evenings. We have a high ass ceiling and i dont think it is mice. UGH

    and love the tuesday outfit!!

    1. Oh, yeah. Well. They basically took over my house. I don't have an attic so they were in the walls, but frequently came in the actual house too which is when I became aware of them.
      It was primarily flying squirrels (which are really adorable except when in your house) but then they also invited in some gray squirrels. One of those ass holes came in while I was at work, ate the lid off my peanut butter, and tore open a loaf of bread. It basically made itself a sandwich.
      It was a very challenging moment in my life. I had to get a professional in to help rid the place of them. No troubles since thankfully (except the mice).

  5. ugh on rodents. You need some cats! Just not ones like mine - outside they hunt, inside if they find a mouse, they play with it and then walk away when they get bored. *sigh*

    1. Lol, if I got cats, that's definitely what they'd do. Or worse, catch them outside and set them free indoors!

  6. Ugh wanna borrow my cats?? They come with their own annoying obnoxious habits but they’re good at the whole hunting and murdering business!!

    1. Haha! I probably should get cats, but I also don't want any more vet bills...
