Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Truthful Tuesday


Lolz... I've got a good one for you all today. Last week was busy. I had the vet coming out and some braiding jobs, plus the usual stuff. And then a fence debacle. Just a bunch of little stuff that kept me busy and a little distracted. So Saturday rolls around. I had taken the day off from riding at the other barn, so I just had my three to do. I thought I had the entire day and night all to myself so I was taking my sweet time getting the horses ridden. But when I got on Shiny just before four, my watch dinged with a calendar notification. I was supposed to be at a friend's party... in ten minutes. Oops. I sent off a quick text admitting that I would be not just late but like... two hours late. She said not to worry it will be a late night anyway. So I still was able to attend. I brought a large bottle of my brother's maple syrup as a peace offering. Did the trick. Ha. Ugh. I can't believe I forgot about this party. It was a taco party. I have been excited for it for WEEKS. And then I forgot. And that my friends, is how you know you're officially old.


  1. I don’t know how people can function without calendars at this point bc I don’t remember ANYTHING if it’s not on the calendar ….

    1. I mean, this WAS on there. I just didn't bother to look at it I guess... Lol! Oops!

  2. Well you were riding so it makes sense. 😁

    1. Haha! Right? The horse barn vortex sucked me right in!

  3. Ah, the age where you have to change your default calendar reminder, lol. I feel you.

    1. Lol! Seriously. Clearly I need a longer warning.
