Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Truthful Tuesday


I know, you're waiting to hear all about our horse show! But that's a story for another day. Because it's super late and I have nothing to confess about that day. Today's confession? It's that my horses' manes currently look like this:

Okay, this one is after I started working on it... 
I forgot a before shot of E.

Okay, well, currently they are looking a little bit better than this. I started fixing them today. But they aren't significantly better yet. Al's is actually. He's the easiest. His mane isn't too thick, it's easy to pull, and he stands like a gentleman for it. The other two really don't look much better yet. I had to cut some of the length off because they were way too long to pull all of it. But E ad Shiny both hate having their manes pulled, so it will take awhile to get them where I want them. Baby steps. But I'm glad to have gotten started. Because these before shots are so bad! Especially considering I'm a semi-professional braider! I mean, I can do this:

So there is really no reason my manes should EVER look like they do above! Sheesh. I'm the worst. 


  1. I went on strike with Ben's mane while we were sorting out his injections. Wasn't going to put in the work if he wasn't going to be sound LOL.

    1. I feel that! I kind of do the same thing, until I realize how feral they look and then I do it anyway.

  2. I confess that you should probably not look at my horses’ manes. 😁

    1. Haha! That's different, you want them long on purpose!

  3. Peebs' mane is killing me. I know it doesn't matter what his mane looks like since he's retired, but I can only let it get so long before my hunter princess takes over and shortens it.

    1. That's how I was with Rio when he retired. I'd let it get long, then hate it and shorten it again.
