Wednesday, July 5, 2023

What's Up Wednesday

Phew, guys. It's been a WEEK. This holiday week is always so crazy with family stuff. But this year the all grown up barn kids had grad parties, last week was my friend's wedding... So much running around! So much fun! But man. I'm getting old. It's tough to keep up. Add on to that a bit of an allergy attack and I found myself at the doc last week to get a script for prednisone. My ears had malfunctioned and not only could I barely hear anything for days, I was getting vertigo. Interferes greatly with riding, I'll tell you that! Then last night I tripped walking out the door of my dad's house and rolled my ankle.

Never a dull moment! This week there's no rest for the weary though. I have a few manes to braid Thurs, Fri, and maybe Saturday night. But the most exciting part? I just submitted an entry for a horse show Saturday morning with Al! Our first one! AHHHHH!!! I'm panicking. But I'm sure it will be fine. It's close to home, at the barn where I grew up riding. This show has the Low Adult/Child's jumpers set at .90 so the fences will be nice and small. They are also the first classes of the day which I think is ideal. Get up early, get out there, do the thing, hopefully all before I have time to panic! Ha! Ugh. What have I gotten myself into...

It was rainy here all last week, so I have no media to share of any of the horses. So today's post will be short and sweet. 

Lesson day!

Al's doing great (obviously). We just had one lesson last week due to scheduling and weather, but I did pop a few fences on my own over the weekend. He was perfect both days. Still a spooky sass monster on the flat, but he is who he is. 

Eros is also doing great! He still comes out a little stiff some days, but once he's warmed up, he feels great. And he's jumped around nicely lately too. Minimal torpedos! And honestly, I have to claim responsibility for them these days. They're usually my fault. #ammyproblems

Shiny is definitely feeling a ton better. Her chiro was out yesterday and was really pleased with how she was feeling. Significantly better than past visits. I popped her over a few fences Sunday and she was willing and happy to do the job. Today her kiddo came and rode her and they jumped around a 2' course. It wasn't perfect, but it was adorable. Her mom and I were talking about maybe letting her show Shiny too if she ends up taking her pony to any one days. Why not, right? 

That's really the lowdown in our horsey world this week. Hopefully I'll have a fun show report to share next week with you guys! Hope I remember what to pack and how to conduct myself at a horse show...