Wednesday, February 16, 2022

What's up Wednesday


Things are plugging along over here. I have almost no media to share because I'm the worst blogger ever. And you know, winter. The weather has been all over the place, and we had the most lovely Friday and Saturday when the temps hit 60! It felt like Spring and the horses were all pretty happy too. Then Sunday it was in the 20's and snowed all day. Ah New England...

I don't really have much to report on. Eros and Al both did their lessons this week. Funny how jumping consistently makes lessons less anxiety inducing isn't it? Eros was fantastic for the first half of the lesson, but he did decide to put a 3 in the four stride line the first time through. After that he had to trot in and halt a few times. Then trot in and do 5. We didn't give him the chance to canter through again this lesson. We like to set ourselves up for success around here! He lessons again tomorrow, so we'll see what horse we have for that... One never knows with Eros! 

Al's lessons have been going so well! We still struggle some on the flat. I find that we are better on our own when we flat versus in a lesson. In the lesson we have to do what the instructor says more or less immediately. But Al is still a little young and easily distracted. So if I'm on my own I can do whatever I need to get his attention, but in a lesson, I have to be doing what I'm told. Which isn't always what we need in the moment. But that's just life, and if I ever do a flat class with him in a show, he'll need to be able to do these things. So it's good practice even if we aren't doing things right all the time. The jumping part though? That's been so fun! He's just so game and honest. He doesn't ever get offended no matter how stupid of a distance I choose. I'm starting to get pretty excited for the future with him.

I rode Eros at the wrong time yesterday
and had to pause mid ride so they could
drag. I was too lazy to get off, so I just sat 
on him in the barn and played with Pammon
while we waited. Pammon thought it was great fun!

Pammon is doing well with his Equiband walks. I think they're helping him, but it's hard to really tell just at the walk. I feel like he walks better with them though, so that must mean something. He will have another recheck soon, and hopefully after that we'll get to start trotting, Hopefully... 30 minutes of walking is still really boring.

Shiny is pretty much the same. Her bloodwork all came back great so that's a relief. Next step is to inject with a biologic (trying to avoid steroids still due to her weight). I'm not sure yet when the vet is coming, either this Monday or the following. Fingers crossed this will help her because I want my sound pony back! I got her a hay pillow to slow her eating down and I've been trying very hard to work her a little longer than I used to to help burn some calories. They say horses like her are "easy keepers" but honestly, it's just as hard having one that gets fat on air as it is having one you need to pump full of food. 

I'm starting to think about who's coming home this summer. It may be all of them! Rumor has it they're talking about closing the barn to non showing horses, so unless I show with them, I wouldn't be able to board there. I do plan to show Al with them in the spring a little, but come summertime I'm not sure if I want to ride with this barn, or my regular trainer. I don't want to be forced into anything, so if that becomes a rule there, I'll likely just opt out of that barn. Disappointing since it's so convenient and the care is great, but they need to do what's best for their business and I need to do what's best for me.

That's about it from here. I'd love to say I'll have more media next week, but I can't really promise that. We'll have to see what happens! Ha!


  1. Winter is the worst. But it’s almost over. I know what you mean about doing a transition now vs on your own. Both are needed. Too bad about the barn but I get it Your place is pretty nice too.

    1. Pros and cons to all of it! Thank you, I love my little farm!

  2. It would be nice for you to have a full barn at home this summer! But showing Al sounds really fun too 🤩🤩

    1. I plan to show him regardless! So it should be a great summer!

  3. hm good luck figuring out your boarding plans. on one hand your boarding barn seems like such an awesome place and the horses get such good care... but i also always catch myself being a little surprised at how controlling they can be (like how you describe flatwork in a lesson vs on your own.... i feel like i'd chafe under that level of rigidity, *even if* it meant more successful show outings....).

    1. It's a very nice place and the care is top notch. There are a LOT of things I don't like, but I'm able to handle it since I'm not there year round. It will be rough to find a different winter plan, but we'll see what happens.

  4. Replies
    1. Lol! I'm going to start with two and then go from there.
