Saturday, February 26, 2022

Some Clarification

 I wrote an opinion piece on Tuesday that was pretty well received. But it's been brought to my attention that I need to clarify something. I board in the wintertime at a pretty wonderful facility. The care there is incredible. I've said this over and over. I mentioned that I board someplace where work ethic is often commented on, but I want to be clear where I board, the workers are compensated more than fairly and appreciated. My post was in no way directed at my own current experience, but what I've seen and experienced throughout my time as a horse owner and boarder. And I've seen a lot. I've been riding, competing, and caring for horses for over 30 years. 

While my barn owner and I may have lots of differing opinions, that doesn't make either of us wrong or doing a bad job. Everyone does things their own way and has their own expectations. As long as the humans and horses are all well cared for, at the end of the day, that's all that matters. 

This blog space is mine, for me to share my thoughts and feelings. Sometimes people might not agree with what I have to say. And that's okay. But these experiences are mine, and if you think I've said something that might be harmful to someone else, please bring it to my attention yourself and I will be happy to clarify. Both right to you, and also here so nobody feels attacked. My intentions are never to attack anyone or hurt their business. 


  1. I actually didn’t think you were referring to your situation. Just thr post going around.

    1. That is really all I meant to be commenting on! Thank you for understanding!

  2. one of the most difficult things about blogging is that it really truly is impossible to introduce ourselves *every time.* to fully write out a complete backstory *every time.* to have caveats and footnotes and qualifications for every statement --- that anybody who had been following along would already know. and yet, every individual post could have a set of fresh eyes on it -- eyes that had never seen anything prior, and will never see anything after, but will judge that post as it is in that moment. and bleh.... who on earth has time to deal with those eyes?? anybody who follows you knew what you meant. or, hasn't really been following closely enough lol

    1. Thank you! Unfortunately, people that matter in my circle saw it, and took it entirely the wrong way. And told other people who matter even more. So here we are. Hopefully we can all move on from this.

    2. oof that's even harder.... well, if you need an anonymous internet source to testify that you've always been nothing but complimentary of your personal circumstances... well, we're here for that too!

  3. Ughhh so frustrating when people get their panties in a twist about things that aren't even directed at them 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  4. Oof, I'm sorry to hear that things were taken the wrong way.
    I was under the assumption your first post was about that meme/post getting shared on Facebook and not your own situation/ cirumstances.

    Definitely the hard part about being a blogger - but also brings about the reminder that people should speak to the source first instead of inventing ideas in their own minds!

  5. I definitely did not think you were referring to your situation, but you have posted somethings in the past about your barn that just do not jive with me personally which is why I wouldn't board there even if I could afford to (but like fuck man, somethings about where I board also don't jive with me so it's absolutely nothing personal.)

    Social media is a weird place and it's honestly why I decided to take myself out of the public conversation.

    1. Yeah, no place is perfect, and there will always be things we might not like at every place. Just gotta find what you can and can't live with (or without).
      Social media can be a rough space! I totally get why you stepped back. I miss reading about your horsey adventures though!
