Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What's Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday all! It's been relatively quiet around here. I spent my non horse time this weekend organizing the shoes in my house. If you think I have a lot of tall boots, it's nothing compared to the hoard of shoes I own. And they're utter chaos at the moment. I even discovered I had bought the same pair twice. THAT is when you know you have a problem. I just ordered some new storage solutions from Amazon, so I'm guessing this weekend will be similarly spent. But you're not here to talk about shoes! So let's look back at the last week.
The vet was out Friday to recheck Shiny pants, and he was really pleased with how she's healing. It had been two week since he discovered that giant splinter in her hoof, and everything is healing up nicely. There's just one little spot that is still a little soft, but once that hardens up she can go back to her regular life. She is all too ready. Poor thing hasn't had a turnout in just over a month. But she will soon. Yay!
Also, my vet posted her initial photos on his Facebook page and it legit went viral. Figures THAT is what would get us famous... ha! He didn't post who it was though, confidentiality and all that.

I also got a glowing report on Pammon. Doc ultrasounded him about a week prior to Shiny's recheck, and showed me how much healing has taken place. The ligament was a complete mess when he went to the clinic, with huge disruptions to the fibers pretty much throughout. It was bad. And now there's a lot of filling in going on. Doc is really confident he'll be back to jumping and at the heights I had bought him for. So that's fantastic news. There's no time line yet, which is fine with me. I'm not rushing this. I need him to get fully healed. Only then will we worry about getting back to business. And though I'm smart enough not to count any chickens before they hatch, I am feeling cautiously optimistic.

But then there's Eros... My perfect boy Eros has decided he no longer needs to, you know... travel correctly. He has concluded that he is perfectly content to trot and canter (and walk, I guess...) with his head up, back hollow, and completely locked up from poll to tail. So that's been fun. I'm going to get him on the list for doc to look at him, but since he was JUST here, I'm not sure yet when he's back next. Eros does not feel at all unsound, so I don't think we have something major going on. But never hurts to check anyway. He is doing all kinds of lateral work to evade doing what I'm actually asking for, which kind of suggests to me something is bugging him that he's trying to avoid. I still think getting a body worker out would do wonders for him, but for whatever reason, barn owner is dragging her feet on finding someone. We had briefly discussed injecting his SI the last time he had a lameness exam and we decided to wait. So it's entirely possible the time has come. I'm guessing the very cold weather (it was 18 degrees last night when I left the barn) probably isn't helping to loosen him.Other than being kind of inside out though, he's still his perfect self.
So we had some snow on Saturday night, which meant Sunday there was snowing coming off the indoor roof. The trainers opted to give the young horses the day off so no one would die (probably a good choice) but I figured I'd take my chances, and stuff the ears just in case. Now, I'm pretty confident I had stuffed Eros' ears more than a few times last year. If you recall, he was on light work and no turn out around this time last year for that sore foot of his. And he was quite spooky, and I'm really sure I used ear plugs more than a few times. But you guys... when I put them in on Sunday, this was the face I got:
 Unless something caught his interest, he ears stayed like this the entire time he had them stuffed. On the way back in from our ride, he literally was shoving his ears in my face asking me to take them out. (And I mean literally... I definitely got an ear in the mouth.) As soon as we reached the crossties I removed the ear plugs. He was very grateful. Such a drama king.
We had a butt kicking flat lesson last night. I'm definitely sore, though he's probably not since I was certainly working harder than he was. I finished that ride up with some really nice canter work, but the trot never really came together. We will have a lighter flat tonight and tomorrow he's getting a training ride. Trainer didn't think my timing was bad, and wants to see if she can feel what's causing this sudden resistance. And/or if I'm just doing something to piss him off. Not impossible! I really think some vet and/or body work is the answer but in the meantime, it doesn't hurt to have a different human get a feel.

That's about all that's happening with the horses. But I have a few other interesting odds and ends to mention. First, I bought a pair of boots off Ebay before the holidays. Not riding boots, just regular ones. Anyway, I pulled one out and tried it on when they arrived, but was in a rush and didn't check both boots. One was good, so you would assume they both were fine right? Never assume my friends.

 Whilst doing my shoe organizing this past weekend, I pulled those boots out to try on, and realized they had sent me two right boots. I don't have two right feet despite what my dancing skills may suggest. So I messaged the seller asking if I could swap one of my rights for a left. I mean, chances are good they have a pair of lefts sitting around, right? Well seller messages me back three days later that they can't help me because I'm outside the return window. Seriously? Fortunately, the negative feed back I left combined with my going to Ebay for a resolution got me a refund fairly quickly. But I still have two right boots. Someone suggested finding a charity that collects for veterans, so I'll look into that. It sounds awful, but amputees sometimes just need one shoe. And they're very nice!

Next, I had a little tack-cident over the weekend when I saw the Motion Lite coat I've been drooling at was on sale. So I ordered it. I now own almost all of the colors. Which wouldn't be SO bad except that I don't even show right now... But I WILL show this summer. It will happen. It has to. Eros even has a show bridle now. So things are getting real. Anyway, this is the jacket:
Obviously it's better suited to the jumper ring with Pammon... But doc says we'll get there. So I'm just preparing. Ok?

But then Amanda of 900 Facebook Pony fame made my buy a new bareback pad.
Which then meant I needed girths because I don't have a dressage style girth. So I had to get two of these (one for the horses, one for Shiny):
So moral of the story is... Amanda's the worst and she makes me things I can't really find an excuse for. Which wouldn't be that bad, except I buy a lot of things on my own that I can totally find excuses for. And now I'm broke. Good thing I'm not trying to show yet!

Ok, that's really it from here this week. I shall leave you with this confusing photo of Pia staring at me through the door to my living room.

Did you all have a good week? Did Amanda make you buy anything?


  1. Dante is pretty much the same ear wise with his plugs in but man it makes him pleasant to ride, though he gets angry when I try and take them out.. like come on dude, one way or the other...

    I'm glad everyone is starting to heal up nicely!

    1. The helicopter ears kill me! We were joking that Eros completed his transformation into Eeyore.

  2. I love the motion lite ... I haven’t seen them with trim like that before. I have the regular black one and although it’s more of an hj coat, I sure loved having it this past summer when I was in the indoor dressage ring with no ventilation!

    The puggers in the window is the cutest. And cheers to ponies moving in the right direction!

    1. I think the trim is made special for the store I got it from. I haven't seen it anywhere else. They are so nice when it's hot out!
      Thanks! I'm cautiously excited!

  3. That’s great news on the Pammon front, and Shiny too!! Hopefully some good news is on the way for Eros too, tho it’s annoying about getting pushback re: scheduling a body worker. I find it weird that they wouldn’t let you bring in your own, but then again my barn is run pretty differently. Not sure if you’ve already mentioned this but both of my horses have gone thru weird periods of bracing in their bodies that has ended up being due to thrush or other simple hoof stuff.

    1. Well the trouble is we actually both use the same person, but she's in Afghanistan serving our country. So barn owner was supposed to try and find someone and I thought she was dragging her feet. She finally mentioned today that our preferred lady was working on a recommendation for us. Problem is that most of the people she recommends are down in Florida.
      I watched her ride him this morning, and while he didn't fight her as much, I did notice that he was opening his mouth a lot, and it could also be that he needs his teeth done. It's about time anyway. So could be a few little things all adding up to bug him.

  4. I don't even feel bad because you make me buy things too, so tit for tat bitch, tit for tat!!!

    1. I will say, I feel a lot better about things when you buy stuff too. But seriously. I gotta stop.
