Wednesday, January 15, 2020

What's Up Wednesday

I don't really have a whole lot to report on this week. Things are plugging along. Shiny looks to be feeling great despite having several chunks of foot missing. She's walking really well, and things seem to be healing up nicely. Vet comes back on Friday, so we'll see if we have any change in protocol once he sees her again. This weekend we had AMAZING weather:

so she got to have her walks outside and even "grazed" a little on what we pretend is grass in the winter.
I was a little unsure if she'd behave walking outside (she's been a bit sassy without regular turnout) but I think she was just as grateful for the nice weather. She was a perfect little pony!

Eros has been perfect as usual. Obviously. BUT, he has reverted back to Mac Truck Eros lately in our lessons. I think it's time for a bit change, but I'm not really sure what to try next. What I've  been jumping in (that was working great up until recently) is a pelham similar to the Sprenger dynamic RS. It was a cheaper version I got from the UK, but looks the same. We're going to use a segunda in my next lesson, which I know does the job, but I just kind of hate that much mouth piece. So any suggestions would be welcome! The handful of needs and knows are this:
-I need something I can use in the hunters
-he HATES jumping in a two or three ring (but also see first bullet point)
-he prefers something rubber or plastic, but also, not a deal breaker since we've been using metal anyway
Really though, I think what he REALLY needs is some body work. But our body work lady is overseas serving our country. I honestly think getting some work done might make a big difference. And I'd rather that than go crazy with bits. But I gotta do what I gotta do in the meantime until I can get him worked on.
He too was pretty happy with the weather this weekend, and we spent some time enjoying the "grass" and outdoors too.
I'm not a huge fan of all the stripes on this sheet, but I love that the top portion is terry cloth and the lower is just like a fly sheet. Perfect for helping the back dry but keeping him cool at the same time.

I didn't do much other than play with ponies and snuggle the pugs this past week/weekend. I'm still getting over this plague, so figured it was best to lay low and maybe keep trying to organize the chaos that is my house. Oh and on Saturday night I did a kids craft, cause I'm kind of a dork. How cute are these though?!
So really, that's about it from here. How was your past week/weekend? Do anything fun? Take some lessons? Go to a show? Tell me all about it in the comments! And bit ideas too please!
I shall leave you with this adorable photo of the short kids snuggled under a blanket:


  1. Maybe a level 2 myler without hooks? That's what I rode Maestro in a lot when he was being strong. Often with an added flash outside the show ring. I also really dislike a segunda.

    Rode Ernie bareback for the first time Saturday which was fun (other than the fact it rained all day and he didn't get to go out!). Have been having some good lessons. Trainer even said last night how nice it is to see me happy and not riding so defensively at the end of our lesson. Felt really good that she could see the difference.

    1. I have a huge fear of those bits that swivel breaking (it happened to me once, but was a knock off)... Maybe it's time I face that fear?
      I'm so glad you're having fun with Ernie! He's really just what you needed right now.

    2. I did read about some people having issues with the bits breaking (although that was years ago now too) but it was always knock offs. Honestly I get more worried about rubber bits. I've been flatting Ernie in a three piece happy mouth and the joints are so small it kind of creeps me out. The trainer he came from recommended a three piece bit wrapped in sealtex for summer so I've been trying to find one but it seems impossible to find something three piece where the middle piece isn't bigger (ie not a bristol, french link, etc) that's under $150+. Oh bits are so fun. Not.

    3. Maybe one of these:
      And you could skip the seal tex since it's rubber?

  2. What about a kimberwicke? They're a less subtle bit but I often went XC in one. They're good for freight trains, and you can adjust the brakes by adding or removing the curb chain, relocating the reins up or down on the uxeter style ones, etc. I use it on Tris when we hack out in the spring and he wants to be a lunatic.

    1. Hunter judges really aren't fond of of a kimberwicke. But maybe something to try just for practice. Thanks!

  3. oof. I'm with you, I'd hunt around for a bodyworker. I notice such a difference in self carriage when I can get that done reliably.

    1. This is one of the cons of boarding at a show barn this winter. I have to rely on them for this and they're not doing it. Ugh.

  4. I am no help on bits - hope you find something he likes.

    Not much going on around here, living vicariously through others! lol

    1. I know that feeling! Hope this winter is mild and short and you can get back to horsing soon!

  5. I have never really liked this bit for personal reasons (I'm sure most horses go great in it mine just didn't) but what about a waterford?

    1. I'm with you! I did try it on him, and he was awful. But maybe I should try it in the pelham.

  6. Aw I’m glad Shiny is doing so well! And Good luck with bits!! No suggestions bc it sounds like Eros has completely different tastes and preferences from Charlie, who doesn’t seem to care about mouth pieces (tho he goes in a sprenger) and is cool with the elevator. Tho I really feel ya on wondering if it’s a body issue instead. The more schooled Charlie becomes, the more clear it is that sometimes what might seem like a training issue is actually bracing from stiffness or soreness somewhere (like when he had sore feet this summer)...

    1. I'm really starting to think something is bugging him. He's been horrid to flat for the last few days. Just completely hollow, and bit choice seems to matter not at all. It would be a lot easier if they could just talk!
