Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Truthful Tuesday

I had kind of a crap day yesterday. My job is taking a hard turn south, and it's just kind of depressing and stressful. Then, at 10 pm when I finally got home last night after horsing and running a couple of errands, one of the pups had diarrhea all over the floor... So yeah, crap day. But in between all that figurative and literal crap, we had a rain storm that ended with plenty of time to ride and a beautiful double rainbow.
You can't see the second one in the photo, it was pretty faint, but it was there I promise! I'm not a particularly spiritual person, but I do really appreciate when mother nature throws us something nice to look at it. I literally sat down at the end of the barn for a few minutes to stare at this rainbow (and grab a few pics). It was a nice detox before getting on my first horse. I wish I knew how to get better photos though, because you should have seen all the colors in it. It really was pretty spectacular.

This morning when I was driving to work the moon was still out too. I'm not sure why but I LOVE seeing the moon during the day. It always brings a smile. Is that weird? Any of you like that too?

And my other confession is probably the one you'll most enjoy... My last pair of Regals is dying a very quick death (the patent ones seem to break a lot faster than the regular ones, probably due to them being extra cheap...) and I made the irresponsible decision to replace them with a pair of black DeNiro Salentinos. So despite my saying no more boots for a very long time, there is a pair on order. I got them for under $270 though so that's pretty good right? Discount Equestrian in the UK if you're looking to get a pair for not too much money. I can't speak of the experience yet, since I just placed the order, but they have a bunch of options available at the base price. So that was nice. I had thought about getting them a bit taller than my blue ones, but it cost extra for more height so I decided they were good enough. They aren't super short, just a touch. And they're just for schooling.

And since I'm not sure how much longer I'll be employed, that really does need to be the last pair of boots!

Anything you guys need to get off your chest today? Thoughts on nature? Or boots?


  1. I seriously might just have you pick out my nest pair of tall boots for me. I'm terrified of ordering custom and having them come back all wrong, but apparently I'm funny shaped and basically nothing fits me off the rack... not to mention that in the last 8+ years, I haven't YET had a pair last more than 2 years. So frustrating.

    1. I wouldn't expect to get two years out of a boot if you wear it every single day. I really think a year, year and a half is max. Mine last longer because I have so many! And my show boots only get worn to show. But happy to help you pick out boots when you're ready! It's my favorite thing!

  2. As you know, I sold my horse on Friday. So I've been through about every emotion in the book since then. He got a great home and is a 16 year old girl's first horse, so I think he'll have a fabulous life and be spoiled rotten. I still miss him though and I'm still sad that selling him was the right choice for life right now. I was really starting to have fun riding him.

    All that said, retail therapy has been my go to over the weekend. I finally bought some Dreamers and Schemers socks from KB creations (BOGO sale!), plus a whole list of other stuff. It probably won't make me feel better for long, but new stuff is still fun.

    Sorry your job is going to crap. I hope it gets sorted out. Plus, yay new boots!

    1. Just because something is the right decision doesn't mean it's the easy one. But it's wonderful that he's gone to a great home where he'll be doted on and loved!
      Retail therapy is one the best therapies!

  3. Ugh work problems can always put a real wrench on mood - glad mother nature gave you a mental and emotional palette cleanser. I also enjoy seeing the moon out during the day!

    1. I'm slowly developing an indifferent attitude. So that will either actually get me fired, or work as a decent coping mechanism. Time will tell. I'm kinda hoping for the first one, but preferably soon so I can enjoy what's left of summer!

  4. I had a horrible monday too. There must have been something in the air!

    1. Must have been! Remnants of the full moon I guess?

  5. It's just been a rough few weeks here too. Sucks, but glad you have the four legged friends to help out.
    And now you have ME looking at another pair of DeNiros...

  6. ugh i'm sorry about the job situation. that type of stress and uncertainty can really flatten me, hopefully tho in your case it passes soon!! i'll be sending happy rainbow + daytime moon thoughts your way ;)

    1. Thanks! I think the only relief will be if I leave unfortunately. I'll just be over here at my desk chugging down coffee and hiding!
