Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Truthful Tuesday

When Amanda posted last week about falling prey to targeted ads, I was pretty proud of myself for not actually buying from them all that often. I got a sweatshirt once, but I think that's about it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I buy from ads from retailers I actually follow all the time! But not usually from targeted ads. I usually scroll right past those.
But I was having a bit of a pity party the other day. I hadn't ridden in a couple days, and it was raining. I missed Jampy. I still haven't found Rio a pony... You know how these days are. And then I saw an ad for 50% off a pillow shaped and printed in your pet's likeness. And you could get a REALLY BIG ONE. So in a couple weeks, I will have a practically life sized Rio pillow. I considered also getting a Jamp pillow, but I did have some moderate self control.
I mean worst case scenario, I can prop the Rio pillow up in an empty stall to keep Rio company. Right? So this was actually a pretty sound investment.

Um. But also... One other thing happened I need to tell you about. Remember before the holidays when I managed to snag a 20% off discount on Celeris boots? It was too good to pass up! They only give out 10 of them. So the odds were not in my favor. Well, you see...  I can't resist such offers. Especially when they're limited. And well. They did it again. So, um. I might have ordered one last pair of boots.

Have you guys made any impulse purchases lately? Please tell me I'm not alone! (Though I realize the boot problem is pretty limited to just me...)


  1. omg i want a panoramic view of all your boots one day :) LOL

    On the pillow that sounds adorable.

    haha more boots :)

  2. "one last pair of boots". Girl. Denial is strong.

    1. Well, I mean... the cabinet is full!

    2. As if it's not possible to buy an auxiliary cabinet.

    3. There is a space issue though. Of course, I can replace old boots with new... so the boot shopping could carry on infinitely I suppose.

  3. I tend to ignore online ads or heavy handed marketing of any kind but I think it's just the way I'm wired.

    1. Me too. Whenever I get one of those surveys asking if I saw an ad, I'm like nope...
      But apparently giant pet shaped pillows will get me.

  4. I'm a bit of a sucker for ads, I have to admit! lol Can't wait to see the big pillow!

    And, I'm very curious to know the colour/style combo on this pair of boots!

    1. They called yesterday that they can't do the 70" pillow because of the dimensions on a horse... but I think it will be about three and a half feet high instead. Still a good size! Haha!
      New boots will be a surprise! (To you guys, not to me of course)

  5. aw that pillow sounds really cute tho!!

    1. I'm so excited for it! They called and said they have to make it a bit smaller because of the dimensions of a horse (they mostly do dogs I guess). But it will still be a good size.

  6. I want a Guinness pillow now! So no, very little self control.

  7. i'm always really skeptical of ads - i worry the item will show up NOT at all like it is advertised at.

    1. Yeah, that's always a concern. In this case, I have a pug pillow that's done in the same way, so I feel pretty confident it will be decent. And they actually reached out to me about a sizing issue, so they seem legit!

  8. "One last pair of boots" HAHAHA NO ONE BELIEVES YOU! Haha I kid of course, but I am so excited for you and I can't wait to see them!!!!
