Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Truthful Tuesday


Summer is unofficially over now that labor day has come and gone, but no one told mother nature! She's been super confused here in CT all year honestly. We had our first heat wave way back in May when it was still Spring. And we're first about to have our second heat wave now in September. I'm not sure if the rest of the country has "heat waves" as you pretty much just call it summer. But in case you're not in the know, a heat wave is three or more days at 90 or above. I realize this is not a confession, unless I was in fact Mother Nature. (I am not. But I wish I had her powers.) But I do have one. And it is this:

My motivation for basically anything was hovering at around 10% last week. It was cool out (I wore long sleeves pretty much everyday) and I just wasn't feeling in the mood for much of anything. I still did all the things. I'm not one to give in to my slothfullnes when I shouldn't. But I didn't WANT to. Now that it's back to being ridiculously hot and humid, I'm all gung ho to ride all the horses, clean all the floors (in the barn... I still have zero interest in cleaning house floors), and pull all the manes! Well, okay, the mane pulling interest is still low, but it's higher than it was. We start that chore on Thursday. So it's again become apparent to me that my very being is dependent on being uncomfortably warm and bathed in sunshine. I fear it will be another very long winter... Who wants to sponsor me for a winter in sunny Florida with all the four leggeds? Anyone? No? Sigh... Okay. Time to find a sunlamp. 


  1. it's been brutal here too, bleh... but should cool off over the weekend hopefully. bc, not gonna lie, i do NOT share your increased motivation in hot sunny conditions LOL

  2. I’m happy when it’s hot and sunny. But mostly motivated to sit and read in the afternoon. I like to do the riding and other chores first thing.
