Wednesday, September 27, 2023

What's Up Wednesday


Today marks four years since I lost Rio. I hate to dwell on these types of anniversaries, but I also want to honor his memory forever and always. So that's why I make mention. I had a busy day, so I wasn't thinking about what day it was, but I felt a little off kilter all day. Not really in a bad mood per se, just a little less patient than normal, a little humbug-ish. You know? And then when I finally sat down this evening and saw what day it was, I was like Ohhhhh. That makes sense. So if you have one nearby, raise a glass to Rio tonight. 

Anyway, I do still have horses to love and enjoy so let's talk about them! There's been a lot of rain. So much rain. Always raining. I mentioned that yesterday. I'm still hung up on it. Despite all the rain, I haven't really missed out on any riding other than Saturday which was definitely more of a choice than a forced day off. I've felt like I haven't been quite as disciplined in our work schedule this summer, so the last couple of weeks I've been trying very hard to stick to a plan. I mean, I've ridden all the horses six days a week (with occasional weather interruptions) all summer, but I just feel like we've had more "easy" days than we maybe should have. And I haven't been consistent with our jumping schedule either. But now that everyone is feeling good, I'm trying to get back to our usual schedule. Which is roughly something like this:
Monday: off
Tuesday: Flat day- Stretching and working on forward! (We're all a little behind the leg at the moment. oops.)
Wednesday: Jumpies!!!!
Thursday: Flat day- easier day, make sure everyone is sound after jumpy day, keep working on forward
Friday: Jumpies!!!
Saturday: Flat day- lateral work!
Sunday: Sunday Funday! Light flatwork, usuallly bareback for Eros and Shiny

For the most part, we've been pretty on top of this the last couple weeks! Yay us! 

Al's been generally pretty good lately, though I think I've completely uninstalled his gas pedal. I am really struggling to get him moving. He's a little more willing when it comes to jumping, but on the flat? I'm DEFINITELY working harder than he is. He'll for sure see some training rides when we move to the other barn for the winter. At the end of the day though, I kind of prefer having to work hard for forward over trying to stay on the whirling dervish he can sometimes be... Of course, as I was singing his praises about not being so spooky, he was ridiculous today. He didn't feel wild at all, but he was VERY concerned about... well everything really. So much dragon breathing and threats to rapidly reverse directions. Which unfortunately led to me not jumping him today even though it was on the schedule. I'm hoping maybe tomorrow we can pop over a few fences instead. He did jump last week though, so we're not totally off track. 

Eros is perfect. I mean obviously. He was funny today too. Not spooky, and there weren't any torpedos! But he was jumping out of his skin! Over 2'6". Which makes me giggle every time. I just love him! He's been a little stuck on the right side, but we're overdue for our chiro visit. (Poor doc got struck by the Covid and had to reschedule.) He's not unsound but I can tell the flatwork is a little harder than usual for him. 

Shiny also is missing her favorite chiro doc. She might be about ready for another schockwave treatment too, but I'd like to try and hold off until we move. (Be nice to split the farm call, ya know?) She's been good, and she's able to get round both directions at all gaits. She's feeling sound and even in her movement. But she wants to pivot around the turns rather than bend through them (at the canter) and achieving a truly forward right lead canter isn't really a thing right now. The left lead though? That one is feeling pretty great. Celebrate the good, right?! But overall, she's doing just fine. 

In other news, as mentioned yesterday, I went to the fair on Saturday to visit my friend and her moo cows. She has Jerseys which I think are the cutest cows. They won some ribbons and had a good show.

I have no idea what they look for at a cow show. But it's fun to watch anyway. 

Other than cow watching, I didn't really do much other than eat. It was raining, so I was zero percent interested in rides or games. But I did eat. A lot. Before even finding my friend, I had a giant baked potato loaded with cheese, sour cream, butter, bacon, and broccoli. (Covered all the food groups in one!) Then I saw the cows. Then I ate pumpkin fritters. Then we watched some jumping bunnies (10/10, highly recommend.)
I got a real kick out of this burly, bearded man with a bunny on a leash. This was a young bunny, so it just went over small jumps. But some of the more experienced ones jumped bigger fences. 

After the bunnies I had this hot dog on a stick with a ribboned potato around it. 
It was just okay. The potato could have used a little salt and the hot dog was pretty stuck to the stick making it kind of tricky to eat. Probably wouldn't have again. After that, we went back to the cows for a bit and then I started making my way to the exit. (Had to get back home to feed!) Of course, I got some snacks to go too... I mean this was the last fair of the season around here. I stopped first for a lime rickey. I HAD to have one as my town's fair didn't have them this year and I was VERY SAD about that. And then as I continued toward the exit I stopped for a bucket of cookies. They were delicious, but I was a little disappointed that they didn't keep very well. I got the bucket figuring I could have cookies for the rest of the week, but they got hard really quickly. So maybe next time I'll get the small size.  I just love fair food. It's a good thing they only come around in the fall or I'd have some seriously clogged arteries. 

I think that's all I have to report for this week. Hope you're all having a good one! Did you get to any fairs this season?. What's your favorite fair food?


  1. Aw, we have Jerseys too! It's basically the same as in-hand classes for horses, looking at conformation.

  2. Mmmm pumpkin fritters… sounds like fun at the fair, and glad the ponies are doing well. I like the schedule you’ve set up for them, my ideal generalized schedule looks pretty similar altho we get a bit more variation just by having different options on where to ride - like the woods or the fields etc.

    1. Yes! You have such an amazing farm there! Part of me is jealous, but part of me is kinda scared to leave the arena, so I like my excuse not to. Haha!

  3. Your love for Rio is so beautiful. It is incredible, isn't it, how the love we have for our horses keeps them present in our hearts and minds long after that last goodbye. ❤️

    1. It really is. I was so lucky to have been able to call him mine for so many years. Truly was my best friend. Which my actual human best friend was a little jealous of... lol!
