Wednesday, September 6, 2023

What's Up Wednesday


Um. I remember nothing about this past week.... I don't think it was especially eventful... 

Al is feeling pretty good and hopefully the farrier will be out soon to make the changes my vet wants to see. Not sure if we're putting shoes back on or not yet. Farrier and Vet were going to have a conversation amongst themselves since I would definitely mess something up in the translation if I were the go between. So we'll see what happens. Not sure yet when we can start jumping again, but flatting has definitely improved. It's pretty oppressively hot here this week, so we're taking it easy anyway. Short flats today for everyone! 

Eros has been a silly pants this week. There's a house on the other side of the woods behind my ring that's doing some septic work. You can't see any of it from the ring, but you can hear all the heavy machinery and Eros HATES that. He hasn't done anything all that wrong, but he likes to try to stop and stare when we get to that end. We had a couple lessons in which we jumped small because Shiny and her kiddo were riding with us. He was good, but there were some light torpedo moments. I should probably feel bothered when he's like that, but honestly, it's pretty funny. He doesn't really go anywhere. And he doesn't do anything to unseat me. He's just silly. I was planning to jump today, but the weather was all "nope" so maybe tomorrow. Or maybe this weekend. We shall see!

Shine's doing just fine! With the weather, we're sticking to one ride a day for right now. She hasn't put on any weight, so I think it's okay. Time will tell. She's been great for her kid. But yesterday was their last ride. Kiddo heads back to Florida tomorrow. They might be back for a visit in October though. So hopefully they'll have a chance to ride then. 

And that's really about it from here. Nothing to exciting to report, but sometimes not exciting is just what you want! 
Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Replies
    1. I do also. Nice to have a chance to take a breath!

  2. lol a house on our barn's property just dug a new well and ALL the horses had some very strong feelings about that lol, so totally understandable that Eros would feel a certain sort of way about the machinery!

    1. They really hate those big machines! I'm guessing it's all the ground vibrations that mess with them.
