Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Truthful Tuesday


Today's confession is that I have a couple of craft projects that I started during the pandemic and never finished. They're both sitting out in the living room staring at me. And yet, I haven't felt much motivation to work on them. 

One is a needlepoint belt that I just a little less than half completed. the trouble with this one is that it's mostly all one color. It has my logo and farm name on it, and other than that, the rest is just background. So it's kind of boring to work on. I did finally stitch a few rows the other night, and I'm going to make an effort to work on it more. Once I get this one done, I want to send it and a few others that are completed to get finished into belts. I found someone who does them for a really reasonable price and now I'm itchy to get them done! But like... not so itchy that I've gotten the last one finished. Ha. 

The other is one of those paint with jewel things. It's like paint by number but with rhinestones instead of paint. I had one printed up with of some of my favorite horse photos. I was really into working on it at first, but eventually I lost interest and it's just sitting on my coffee table looking sad and unfinished. I really want to get it done, if for no other reason but to get my coffee table cleared off! 

Since it's winter here in New England, everything is gray and gloomy and the cold weather is apparently coming in this weekend. So no better time than to work on some crafts, right? Hopefully I will do just that.

What about you? Have any partial projects you need to get finished?


  1. Lol it depends on whether you consider clearing out junk closets a “project” haha!

    1. Yes, that 100% counts! I also have those projects unfinished... but if we're being honest, I haven't started them yet either!

  2. You're not a writer unless you have an unfinished draft tucked away somewhere, glaring at you. Or maybe that's just me lol

    1. Lol! This is very true! I'm not a writer, but I still have drafts of things lurking about from when I thought about writing something.

  3. Would you share more about how you make a needle point belt? and where you send it for finishing?

    1. Oh sure! So it's nothing too crazy. I get the canvases pre painted, so I just have to stitch over the painted pattern. Usually the shops that sell the canvases also offer finishing services. So you just send the canvas back to them once you're done and they make it into a belt!
      I'll be wearing a needlepoint belt on Thursday's Threads this week that has a fun story I'll share then about it. It's not one that I stitched, but it's similar to some of mine.
