Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Truthful Tuesday

Ahhh winter... A time of rest. Hahaha! Just kidding. It's cold and everything is harder. BUT, I do make the most of my Mondays off. This week I spent the day cleaning the house. I focused mainly on the kitchen, doing the deep clean where I actually moved all the stuff off the counters instead of just cleaning around it. Long over do. I also cleaned out the cabinets, getting rid of any past date items. But that's not my confession. (Clearly, that's actually productive...) No, my confession is that whilst I was being productive I spent the entire day watching Hallmark channel's tribute to Betty White on her birthday. That's right. 10 hours of Golden Girls followed by a movie that she starred in. It was glorious. Golden Girls is pretty timeless. 
Confession two though... That took place on Saturday. Saturday it was too cold to ride. The indoor never got above 6 degrees Fahrenheit (-14C). I did head over to the barn in the afternoon to hand walk everyone, but otherwise, I hid in my house all day. And I was a complete garbage human. I ate snacks and sat around playing games on my phone pretty much the entire day. 

So those are my confessions today. 10 hours of Golden Girls and a garbage human day. What do you guys do when you (rarely) get some free time?


  1. I'd never actually watched the golden girls so after Betty White died I had my TV start recording them and have been working my way through the entire catalogue - our Saturday was gross and snowy so that's pretty much all I did 😂

    1. Wait what??? You'd never watched them?! I'm glad you're fixing that!

  2. I rode Thurs-Sun-Tues-Thurs-Sat, which is a lot for me in such a short amount of time! My Sunday lesson was changed to Saturday due to the impending winter weather, and the barn was closed Sunday and Monday. Looks like it might be closed again today for lessons, but I may go out and do Jo's stall, hay, and water if it's still an option after work. I have to admit that I really enjoyed sitting in my jammies on the couch on Sunday and Monday with a fire going, playing my switch, though! I had taken Friday off for an extra long weekend, and got most of my chores and things done that day so that I could justify being lazy when the weather was crappy!

    1. It's SO nice to enjoy a lazy day now and then, especially when you've gotten your chores done already!

  3. It's funny, I read this and I feel guilty. I turn my ponies out and wish them good luck. Granted, I can't breathe either and I feel like I've run a marathon just from doing that so... Yeah. (my asthma is out of control and no one can get it under control and I'm avoiding the ER). But if you want to come down here and ride Nay, that would be great! But for now he's pretty much getting time off too.

    1. Turnout is fine! They won't run themselves silly if they can't breath. It's just not fair to make them work in that weather (in my opinion anyway).
      I hope you figure out what's going on with your asthma! Mine was bothering me earlier in the month, but it's calmed back down. I've been masking at the barn again, and honestly, that makes a big difference for me.

  4. 10 hours of golden girls is not time wasted lol
