Wednesday, March 24, 2021

What's Up Wednesday


It's been a fun week just riding horses all day and not sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours. I need to figure out a schedule for myself though so I actually get some of the projects on my list accomplished and don't just spend all my time at the barn. Figured I'd give myself some time to relax and do just that first though. 

I have no media from this past week. Literally nothing. I didn't even take random photos of the horses just horsing. Sorry guys. Bad Blogger! Thank goodness for those pro photos we had done to break up the text! 

Yesterday we started transitioning back outdoors which is always exciting. Those of you in the south probably don't know the wild rides we get when we head outside for the first time each spring... Though, if you own Shiny, it's generally the same as any other day. Shinypants is just so levelheaded. She gives me a lot of frustration with her listening skills, but she makes up for it with her intelligence and general "good girl-ness". 

Pammon is having his first outdoor ride later this morning, but I opted to let him have a training ride for it. I was tempted to go out yesterday (it was a top 10 weather day, low 60's, not a cloud in the sky, no wind) but he was ridiculously spooky in the indoor when I got on and I just decided not to push my luck. He's on full care for my training rides are included and I never use any. Might as well cash in when it will make my life a lot easier, right? I'm excited to see how it goes. He'll probably be perfect... and then run away with me tomorrow. Lol!

He had his lesson on Sunday and was a very good boy. I want to switch his to a different time though, as I think he needs to jump a little higher than our lesson mate is doing. I'm going to do Shiny in that lesson this coming weekend though, since it's perfect for where she's at.

As I already mentioned, Shiny was perfect for her first ride outside. It was busy, there was a lesson happening with I think 5 or 6 people in it. But she didn't get worked up, and best of all, didn't kick anyone! I switched her bit from an egg butt to a full cheek to see if that might assist in working on her straightness and in turning more accurately. It's the same mouthpiece so she seems to like it, and I do think it's having the desired effect. She looks cute in it too (since that's important...). 

I was kind of terrified to go out with Eros... you know, cause of the spinning. But our lesson was outside last night, so I had to just suck it up. Nothing like JUMPING your first time outside. UGH. I was sure I was going to die. I avoided the end of the ring where he likes to spook, but he honestly was pretty wonderful. It's technically supposed to be a flat lesson, but we do pop over some small jumps at the end. He was perfect to flat, but was definitely getting stronger and stronger as we jumped over some little crossrails. I opted to trot them all (we were allowed the choice), but I was the only weenie who did that. Lol. In my defense, the other horses had all been ridden out a few times this year. So they had an advantage. 

I spoke with my Dad and Stepmom the other day to finalize the summer plan. I will keep Pammon at the boarding barn again this summer and have Shiny and Eros at home. Those two are really easy to have around and I would like to stay consistent with lessons with him. The other two I'm pretty comfortable with on my own. 

And that's it from here! Hopefully some media next week. But if not, Eros and Shiny will be home in May and I'll get Pivo back up and running. 

Did you all have a good week? Have you transitioned to the scary outdoor if you live where winter happens? How is it going?


  1. Our outdoor is still way too waterlogged to ride in - we still have a fair amount of snow in shady areas, despite the sun. Hopefully road hacking is in our near future, though.

  2. Scary outdoor year-round for me, lol. But at least this year there are no goats to spook at -- hallelujah!

    1. Honestly though, that's one thing I loved about being home those many years! No scary new ring every spring, and no snow falling off the roof!

  3. When I was unemployed I pretty much spent half the day at the barn, and whatever half the kids were not there (morning during the school year, afternoon during the summer lol)

    1. Yes! I love being there when its quiet now! It's like my old days of being a barn rat kinda. The atmosphere is a little weird though. Like I don't really hang out to watch others ride much.

  4. oooh man i totally remember the "first rides out" from my days living in rochester, ny.... always an exciting time! glad you're able to take some time and chill out and unwind right now too ;)

    1. I have such PTSD from my childhood horse nearly killing me the first time outside. These horses have been perfect. Clearly a me problem! Lol!
      Thank you! I'm really enjoying it. I don't miss the riding at 7:30 am, working 8 hours, then riding again and getting home at 9 schedule!

  5. Dude, trot jumps are the best. I'm trying to find a 2' trot in/canter out class, because that's where I'm at mentally right now :D
