Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Truthful Tuesday

Oh man you guys. I was such a sloth the last few days. To be fair, I was away for the weekend, which makes it kind of ok to be a sloth for that time. But yesterday? My plane landed at noon. And the barn is closed Mondays, and I took the full day off work. So I had HOURS to be productive with. HOURS. Was I? Nope. I didn't even unpack my suitcase! And there's hardly anything in there, I was only gone a few days.
I did get a handful of things done. I changed the sheets on my bed, did a little online holiday shopping, and picked up a few things at Walgreens before heading to dinner with the book club ladies. But honestly, the vast majority of the day involved me sitting on my rear end.
Do you guys ever have days like that? Where you know there's a million and one things you should be doing, but instead you're sitting on your rear probably eating snacks? No? Just me?

Obviously it's not just me, the pups were there too!


  1. I definitely have those days sometimes. When I do, it's usually because I really just needed to exist on my couch for a bit. Cut yourself some slack! ;)

  2. Lol YES. Sometimes those are the best days tbh ;)

    1. They really are! What's better than snuggling some pugs and watching mindless tv?

  3. The older I get the more I appreciate the value of these days. We can get so caught up in the grind of having to be on the go and doing things that it becomes a treadmill. I enjoy my days of doing nothing and have learned to actually seek them out when I start to feel overwhelmed.

  4. Most definitely not just you! :)

  5. Def. not just you - the majority of my weekend days are spent like that in the winter! ;-)

  6. I don't get as many of these days anymore with my wild, nearly 9 month old baby, but these days are so important for my mental health so I can just recharge.

    1. little ones do not appreciate the greatness of quiet time.

  7. Those days definitely happen! Especially if I am in the good part of a book or some new video game content just downloaded

    1. Sometimes you just need to stay in the rabbit hole!
