Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Truthful Tuesday

Holy crap you guys. Laundry mountain has reached epic proportions. It is taller than me. Which I realize isn't THAT tall, but for a laundry mountain, it's pretty sizable. I do think I know where it all went astray though.

Sometime before winter I was completely caught up on laundry. COMPLETELY. It was miraculous. But then the sweaters came out. You know what's annoying about sweaters? Most of them don't go in the dryer. So that leads me to letting them fall to the base of laundry mountain in favor of items that can go through both machines in a timely fashion. Eventually, that's a really solid base of knitwear.

Then you get the lights. The winter season is a time of bright colors and darks. Not so much the lights. So those begin to accumulate too. Next thing you know, there is a solid 3 feet of lights and sweaters just clogging up the laundry room. And all the jeans and darks and brights are piling up per the norm above all that! Before you realize it's happening, laundry mountain is out of hand. If I don't get a handle on it, it will be laundry volcano, with an eruption of socks and camis blowing all over the laundry room. I guess you know what I'll be doing this weekend...

Have you ever found yourself buried in the depths of laundry purgatory? How long did it take you to dig out?


  1. I hate laundry. No, that's not true. I don't mind washing stuff, I HATE HATE HATE (yes, 3 hates, all caps) folding and putting laundry away. HATE IT. So, for that reason I am just like you and drowning in laundry. I do just enough to get by, but that's not really enough. I am not ashamed... I just choose not to be fashionable... Lol.

    1. Haha! YES! That's exactly it! I don't mind the folding though. It's the putting away where I run into trouble.

  2. I don't wash my clothes that often so I have a pile of clothes to be re-worn that grows and grows until I eventually cave and wash it and start all over again.

  3. To be truthful, laundry is the one household chore that I don't mind. THe only part that I'm not good at is putting it away. I have been known to just take my clothes out of the basket to wear all week and then start over. :)

    1. I don't mind it at all really, it's just a little time consuming, so I can't always get to it. I'm terrible at the putting away too.

  4. haha - just picturing the explosion of socks, etc. It is hard enough to find matched socks, alone if they explode everywhere!

    After my hubby tried to do laundry and put a bunch of sweaters in the dryer, I changed my wardrobe a bit. I tend to buy stuff that can survive the dryer. Towels and sheets are my mountain though - my dryer doesn't dry that stuff well, so I tend to wait until I have a mountain of that stuff to do.

    1. I have someone come in every other week to clean the house (because I decided I hated it so much, it was worth the money) but I've always asked her not to do laundry. She decided to do it anyway a few weeks ago and shrunk like four sweaters. I was not happy!

  5. I don't understand how a load of laundry accumulates so quickly. Like, didn't I just wash an entire giant load yesterday and think there were no more dirty clothes? Then how does another load magically appear in less than 24 hours?!

    1. Winter. So many layers every day! You can make it way longer in the summer.

  6. oh god i don't even want to talk about how i'm in my 30s and still dealing with coin operated laundry ugh. it's really ruining my life lol #onlykindajoking

    1. The only positive to the laundromat is you can do like ten loads all at the same time and be done with it. Maybe I should pack it all up and go to the laundromat?

  7. Ugh! I try SO HARD to stay ahead of the laundry. And I usually fail. I used to just have my high-maintenance hang dry stuff to deal with, but then hubby lost weight and went from an XL that could be tossed in the dryer to a L that needs to hang dry for most of his cotton shirts. It's a never ending cycle of rotating things on the drying rack!

    1. Oh man, someone else's laundry would definitely lead to this mountain exploding...

  8. I do laundry about once every two weeks and T thinks it's entirely too much laundry, but it's so easy to do when I'm working from home in a super casual fashion

    1. Working from home definitely would contribute to keeping the laundry under control I think.

  9. We have dedicated clothes we wear at work; I wear whatever to work (more often then not its breeches) then change into scrubs. We also have towels and blankets we use on the animals that we wash. I usually do a load or two every day at work, sometimes more if other people don't do it if I'm not there. I have so much laundry to do at home, but I hate doing it because I already did laundry at work. I just can't escape it.
