Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Truthful Tuesday

My confession today is that I forgot to send my mom a Happy New Year text. And now she seems to not be speaking to me. Oops. I totally fell asleep early, woke up briefly to watch the ball drop, and went to bed. This morning I was up early to head down to the barn, and I just totally forgot. Of course, on the other hand, she didn't send me one either... Alas. I'll need to find a way to make this one up to her, otherwise it will be super unpleasant when I pick up my pups Thursday evening.
Have you ever forgotten to check in with your parents on a holiday? Do they get super hurt like my mom does? How did you fix it?!


  1. omg yes! I am always heading to Texas for work on my mom's birthday (usually immediately after Devon), so I have texted her to wish her a happy birthday at like 9 PM because I just didn't think of it earlier in the day. She is always ultra offended!

    1. She sent me a text at 4pm that said "thanks for the New Year's wishes" That's when I knew I was in trouble... I guess we have to remember to be earlier with our wishes to mom!

  2. My mom is so lazy at holidays but yeah I think I get more upset at her than the other way around.

    1. It's so funny, I totally wouldn't be offended by not getting a happy new year greeting, but to her it's a big deal I guess.
