Wednesday, January 30, 2019

What's Up Wednesday

It was another quiet weekend on the home front. I already mentioned yesterday about the vet coming out on Friday. I hopped on Eros last night hoping for a miracle, but alas, he's not there just yet. I didn't honestly expect him to be sound, but was hoping for more improvement than I felt. He wasn't bad to the left, but tracking right, he was still quite off. And it got a little worse the more we trotted. I'll hop on again tonight and get video to send to the vet, but honestly, I think it's just time that he needs. Hopefully not too much of it though. Fingers crossed for him!
He's a little perturbed though, because he's had to go on a diet. All this not working has very much caught up with his already round waistline. I can relate buddy. Me too. I should probably join him on the diet train. Ugh.

The boys at home are doing just fine. The nicest thing about having heat in the barn, is that they aren't as aware of these crazy temperature fluctuations we've been having. Sunday was close to fifty degrees, but the high tomorrow is 7. Fortunately for the boys in the barn, they won't really know it's colder than 45. Maybe 43 if the heat struggles to keep up. Not bad though. Obviously they know when they go outside, but short exposures don't seem to cause the concerns for colic like constant exposure does.
I'z not cold mom.

I'm thinking about all of you in the midwest. The extreme cold is INSANE, and I'm really hoping you're all doing ok with your horses out there.

Oddly enough, Jamp and Rio think it's full on spring and they're shedding like crazy! I probably won't groom them much tonight or tomorrow so they can hang on to as much hair as possible for the cold snap.
That's a lot of hair.
P has a little growth on her eyelid that I just noticed the other day, so she's going to the vet Saturday morning. I'm hopeful they can just pop it right off, and it's nothing serious. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be bothering her in the least. But it sure looks uncomfortable.

I don't have anything else exciting in the works unfortunately. Can't say I'm super sad about not really riding when it's going to be so cold. But I REALLY hope to get back in the saddle for real sometime soon. Riding tonight to video though, so that's something! Take whatever I can get!

How was your week/weekend? Do anything fun and exciting? How are you and your horses keeping warm during this arctic blast?


  1. oh man, charlie started low-key shedding the moment the days started getting longer again. meanwhile our winter in maryland doesn't really kick into high gear until february-march. here's hoping he hangs on to most of his coat a bit longer...

    also i'm sorry to hear Eros is still sore. fingers crossed time does the trick ;)

    1. Rio too! Jamp was slightly more patient, but he's still dropping a lot of hair.
      Thanks! I'm hoping time will fix him. The vet also said we may need to inject one of the joints. We shall see!

  2. We're only getting lows of -4 here so really not too bad. It was colder a few weeks ago. I'm glad I'm not in the midwest though. I would not be okay with -50.

    1. Yeah, I'm trying not to whine too much considering what's going on out there. That's really nuts.

  3. My horse and pony live outside and won't go into their run-in shed, which drives me crazy, but I have given up. The hay shed is on the side of the property they like to hang out on and it makes for a good wind block. Other than that, their heated water tub is plugged in, they're both blanketed and have a pile of hay. In Kansas we didn't get the worst of the Arctic Blast, but wind chills still got down to -15 last night. The actual temperature when I went out about 45 minutes ago was 3 degrees, so it's still very cold.

    We had some ice/snow last week that has left us with small patches of ice, so I'm being extra careful being pregnant and all. My father-in-law who helps me with horse chores fell on said patches of ice yesterday and dislocated his shoulder.

    On the plus side, it's supposed to be 42 degrees tomorrow and 60 by the weekend. So the ice should be gone soon.

    1. Oh man. Yes, do be extra careful. I'm sorry about your father-in-law, hope he's not in too much pain!
      It's supposed to be in the forties here this weekend too. Thank goodness the cold snap will be short!

  4. Dante started shedding in December lol

    Maybe if you have 6 horses 1 of them would be sound

    1. December must be CA spring!
      If only I had the time and money for three more!

  5. A heated barn? Damn. That sounds amazing! Do you have a furnace in the barn? Oil/gas/propane? This is fascinating to me. And, when can I move in with my horse? lol It's super cold here - I don't even bother to look it up anymore!

    1. Yeah, I decided to heat it because I really didn't want to deal with frozen pipes. I knew there would be times I might only have two horses which wouldn't provide that much warmth inside. And the ceiling is REALLY high. I have a propane furnace. Forced hot air. It's expensive, but less so than burst pipes and worrying about the horses. Especially given their ages.

  6. My jealousy over a heated barn knows no bounds 😍 except I suppose I'm not jealous of what it costs to heat it lol 😂

    1. I could probably get a pair of Fama boots every winter month for what it costs me... But it's worth it. Especially with the old horses.

  7. Some of my horses are shedding already! Seems early... But I guess they know best!? A heated barn sounds so luxurious.

    1. Rio always starts the second the days get a little longer. Seems like a bad idea since that's when it first really gets cold around here!
      It's really nice to have the heated barn. They still need blankets, I keep it around 45. But it's comfortable to work in, and the pipes don't freeze!

  8. Carmen also s showing a hint of shedding but not much yet.

    1. That's where Eros is too. He's thinking about it, but not committing!
