Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Truthful Tuesday


Oh man. You guys. This is a good one. And it's entirely, 100% my own stupidity. I mentioned last week that I had a braiding job Friday night. It was supposed to be three horses, but then was only two when the time came. Which was totally fine with me. The barn I was braiding at was an hour north of me. Since I only had the two to do, I headed up that way around nine forty at night. Which was perfect because I was able to do night check before leaving. I arrived in an hour, and started getting my tools organized. And that's when I realized what I did. Know what it was? Guys. I DIDN'T CHECK IF I HAD THE RIGHT COLOR YARN. How long have I been doing this? (Forever.) Why would I not check that? So I thought no, no it's okay. There's tons of big Walmarts in this area. Yeah. Well, they all close at 11 and are a minimum of ten minutes away. Can't make it. Anyone else remember when Walmarts were 24 hours? I really miss those days. I rarely needed to go there at weird hours... but this time it would have been nice. 

So I weighed my options. I had green yarn I could use which would like nice on chestnut horses. But I know this trainer is pretty conservative and prefers to match yarn to mane. I had a tan color for flaxen colored manes. But these horses were darker maned than that. It would stand out a lot. Soooooo, I got in my car and drove the hour home to get my brown yarn. (Thank goodness I had plenty at home at least!) It was in my truck. If I had simply driven the other vehicle I'd have had the yarn... But the truck still stinks like a mouse nest so that would have been a miserable drive. 

Once I had what I needed I hopped right back in the car and drove the hour back. It's now 1 am. Let's not forget that I have to do the barn in the morning at seven. THANK GOODNESS it's only two horses now. 

Oh but also, as I was driving back, I very nearly wrecked my car. There was a person pulled over on a motorcycle in the shoulder. Seemed fine, didn't appear he'd wrecked or anything. But a little further ahead of him was another car (maybe two) and a bunch of teens walking back toward the guy on the bike. No one appeared in distress, I'm guessing the bike guy had an issue and his buddies came to help him. Just a hypothesis but nothing on the news about a motorcycle accident or anything, so it holds up. Anyway... the car ahead of me maybe saw something I didn't? Or I dunno what. But they just stopped in the middle of the highway right in front of me! I wasn't following that close to them, but because my eyes had gone briefly to the kids walking on the shoulder, I didn't realize the car in front me was stopped until I very nearly hit them. I slammed on the breaks as hard as I could, and somehow didn't hit the car, and was fortunate that there wasn't anyone behind me. (Thank goodness it was late at night.) Anyway, just as my car came to a stop, the car ahead went back to driving so I did the same. No harm done. But seriously folks. Who stops in the middle of the road like that?! 

I guess the good part about that was it really woke me up. I was no longer worried about being sleepy on this drive. Ha. Thankfully things went fine with braiding the horses. 

I got them done in about an hour each give or take, and was home by 4 am. Had myself a two hour nap and then headed out to tend to my herd. Fortunately, it was pouring buckets, so I fed them at seven and then curled up on a tack box and took a nap until the rain slowed down. Haven't had a good tack box nap in years! 

That's my confession today. And the lesson is always check your supplies before going to work!


  1. That’s some crazy good braiding! How many tiny braids is that?

    1. Thanks! The top one had 31 and the bottom had 37 I think.

  2. Of Thst sounds like a long night

    1. I'm really getting a little too old for nights like that! But to be fair, it was all my fault, so I had to take it. Haha!

  3. Ughhh I haaate being forgetful like that! Literally beyond annoying, but it worked out in the end and hopefully the client was happy!!

    1. I mean normally, my bag is always stocked with black and brown at minimum. But I imagine moving forward I will ALWAYS check!
      And yes, they were happy. Not only happy but they were quick payers too. Win win!
